ARE YOU THINKING? ARE YOU THINKING? 1) Ongoing, frequent classroom formative assessment (CFA) is important?
2) The way CFAs are collected today could be improved, and should allow for post-activity retrieval? Pick Me, Pick Me How do you assess students today?
I might collect CFA data by : Calling out names and asking for responses, then writing down responses, or scribing them on the board (brainstorming) Taking intentional purposeful anecdotal notes Using High tech... thumbs up thumbs down or Stand up if you believe this is correct And of course... Exit Tickets These methods may be effective, they are quick, and give the teacher a bird’s eye view of understanding, but...
ARE YOU THINKING? 3)The ways in which we record and archive assessment information and related findings can sometimes be cumbersome? Hmmm, who would have believed, in only 3 weeks... So much DATA!
LET’S 3 EASY ways to assess student knowledge, on the fly, and... that are FREE
3 EASY tools Quick. What do you think about this? Immediate thoughts, NO scribe. Students choices and thoughts expressed Evaluate student understanding before or after a lesson, no tech needed TodaysMeet PollEv Plickers
1) TODAYSMEET You and your students own and operate a virtual conference room Okay, How do I do it?
What is it? What does it do? Takes 30 seconds. No sign up required. Message and data rates may apply How do I do it? Captures Live Classroom Participation Poll Everywhere lets you engage your class anywhere in real time Allows data collection on open and closed questions Bet it is difficult... Probably takes a lot of time...
Steps from the beginning 1.Sign polleverywhere.com/k 12-student-response- system polleverywhere.com/k 12-student-response- system
5. 6.
CREATE YOUR FIRST POLL and stand clear, out of the way of the excitement! At polleverywhere.com
3) PLICKERS Why do I will you love Plickers?
PLICKERSPLICKERS It’s FreeNO tech needed How do I do it?
PLICKERS.COM Let’s review it, then try it