I graduated from Utah State University I have been married to my wife Amanda for three years I have a 3 month old daughter named Lily Everything Harry Potter! I love to go bowling and watch movies
We will be using many forms of positive reinforcement this year. Individual: Each student will be responsible for a punch card this year. Punches will be given for being on task, setting an example to others, being prepared, and good behavior. When a card is completed students will turn it in for a reward. Strike system: students making poor choices will be given strikes. One strike will be a warning, two strikes will be a conference with the teacher, three strikes will be parent contact, further problems will result in an office referral. Class wide: Students will earn house points by getting compliments and other positive feedback from teachers and other adults. When a house receives 30 points they receive a team reward.
For birthdays I ask that students not bring a treat. We will celebrate them in our own way. We will sing happy birthday as a class, and then create birthday cards for whoever is celebrating their birthday. Each student will also have a turn to be “student of the week”. I will try to assign it around their birthday, but that won’t always be the case. You can create a poster to hang on our bulletin board that will help us get to know your child better.
I recommend having one homework folder for your student to bring to and from school with them every day. (Having multiple folders became confusing for some of the students last year) A daily planner will be filled out by your student at school. It is THEIR responsibility to fill it out and show it to you nightly. Parents please sign it each night, as your child will receive punches for having it completed. Signing this planner also shows me that you are aware of what work you student is responsible for each week. Planners are given and returned on Mondays. Please expect homework each night in math and language arts. More information on each subject will come home with your student once we get into our groups. Late /redo work will only be accepted one week from the time it is originally entered into SIS. Please check SIS weekly so you are aware if your child is missing assignments. Work that can be redone for additional points will come home with a note- homework can always be fixed! SIS
Room Mom- (2) coordinates parties Class parties – helps with parties or willing to donate items Copies/projects- from home or at school Field trips- when needed **Please sign up before you leave today!
Throughout the course of the year students will have assignments from the following websites. Moby Max: Utah Compose: