Technical English for Electrical Engineering F.Bardak Manisa Celal Bayar University Fall 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Technical English for Electrical Engineering F.Bardak Manisa Celal Bayar University Fall 2015

English to Turkish Translation from Fundamental Electrical Engineering Textbooks From Principles and Application of Electrical Engineering by Rizzoni Web :

The historical evolution of electrical engineering can be attributed, in part, to the work and discoveries of the people in the following list. William Gilbert (1540–1603), English physician, founder of magnetic science, published De Magnete, a treatise on magnetism, in Charles A. Coulomb (1736–1806), French engineer and physicist, published the laws of electrostatics in seven memoirs to the French Academy of Science between 1785 and His name is associated with the unit of charge. English to Turkish Translation on Brief History of Electrical Engineering

James Watt (1736–1819), English inventor, developed the steam engine. His name is used to represent the unit of power. Alessandro Volta (1745–1827), Italian physicist, discovered the electric pile. The unit of electric potential and the alternate name of this quantity (voltage) are named after him. English to Turkish Translation on Brief History of Electrical Engineering

Hans Christian Oersted (1777–1851), Danish physicist, discovered the connection between electricity and magnetism in The unit of magnetic field strength is named after him. Andr´e Marie Amp`ere (1775–1836), French mathematician, chemist, and physicist, experimentally quantified the relationship between electric current and the magnetic field. His works were summarized in a treatise published in The unit of electric current is named after him.

English to Turkish Translation on Brief History of Electrical Engineering Georg Simon Ohm (1789–1854), German mathematician, investigated the relationship between voltage and current and quantified the phenomenon of resistance. His first results were published in His name is used to represent the unit of resistance. Michael Faraday (1791–1867), English experimenter, demonstrated electromagnetic induction in His electrical transformer and electromagnetic generator marked the beginning of the age of electric power. His name is associated with the unit of capacitance.

English to Turkish Translation on Brief History of Electrical Engineering Andr´e Marie Amp`ere (1775–1836), French mathematician, chemist, and physicist, experimentally quantified the relationship between electric current and the magnetic field. His works were summarized in a treatise published in The unit of electric current is named after him.

English to Turkish Translation on Brief History of Electrical Engineering Michael Faraday (1791–1867), English experimenter, demonstrated electromagnetic induction in His electrical transformer and electromagnetic generator marked the beginning of the age of electric power. His name is associated with the unit of capacitance. Joseph Henry (1797–1878), American physicist, discovered self- induction around 1831, and his name has been designated to represent the unit of inductance. He had also recognized the essential structure of the telegraph, which was later perfected by Samuel F. B. Morse.

English to Turkish Translation on Brief History of Electrical Engineering James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879), Scottish physicist, discovered the electromagnetic theory of light and the laws of electrodynamics. The modern theory of electromagnetics is entirely founded upon Maxwell’s equations. ErnstWerner Siemens (1816–1892) and Wilhelm Siemens (1823– 1883), German inventors and engineers, contributed to the invention and development of electric machines, as well as to perfecting electrical science. The modern unit of conductance is named after them.

English to Turkish Translation on Brief History of Electrical Engineering Heinrich Rudolph Hertz (1857–1894), German scientist and experimenter, discovered the nature of electromagnetic waves and published his findings in His name is associated with the unit of frequency. Nikola Tesla (1856–1943), Croatian inventor, emigrated to the United States in He invented polyphase electric power systems and the induction motor and pioneered modern AC electric power systems. His name is used to represent the unit of magnetic flux density.

Translation on Chapter Intro Fundamentals of Electric Circuits This chapter presents the fundamental laws of circuit analysis and serves as the foundation for the study of electrical circuits. The fundamental concepts developed in these first pages will be called upon throughout the book. The chapter starts with definitions of charge, current, voltage, and power, and with the introduction of the basic laws of electrical circuit analysis: Kirchhoff’s laws. Next, the basic circuit elements are introduced, first in their ideal form, then including the most important physical limitations. To this end, two examples are introduced which discuss simple resistive devices that can measure displacements and forces. The topics introduced in Chapter 2 form the foundations for the remainder of this book and should be mastered thoroughly.

Translation on Chapter Intro, cont. The elements discussed in the chapter include voltage and current sources, measuring instruments, and the ideal resistor. Once the basic circuit elements have been presented, the concept of an electrical circuit is introduced, and some simple circuits are analyzed using Kirchhoff’s and Ohm’s laws. The student should appreciate the fact that, although the material presented at this early stage is strictly introductory, it is already possible to discuss some useful applications of electric circuits to practical engineering problems.

Translation on Chapter Intro, cont. To this end, two examples are introduced which discuss simple resistive devices that can measure displacements and forces. The topics introduced in Chapter 2 form the foundations for the remainder of this book and should be mastered thoroughly. By the end of the chapter, you should have accomplished the following learning objectives:

Translation on Chapter Intro, end. Application of Kirchhoff’s and Ohm’s laws to elementary resistive circuits. Power computation for a circuit element. Use of the passive sign convention in determining voltage and current directions. Solution of simple voltage and current divider circuits. Assigning node voltages and mesh currents in an electrical circuit. Writing the circuit equations for a linear resistive circuit by applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law and Kirchhoff’s current law.