The Western education The Chinese education
Western Education PPre-primary school (up to age 5) PPrimary school (children between ) SSecondary school (children between 11— 19)
Secondary school Comprehensive schools Grammar schools Children are legally obliged to attend school from the age of 5 to 16. Parents can choose between sending children to state schools or to private schools.
The Main examinations in British countries GCSE Examination (General Certificate of Secondary Education) 高级水平测试结业证 书 GNVQ (General National Vocational Qualification) 国家专业资格证书
Chinese Education Primary school (5— 6years) Junior high school (3 years) Senior high school (3 years) University & college (3- -4 years)
The Main examinations in China The examination for entering senior secondary school ( 中考 ) National College Entrance Examination ( 高考 ) GCT (Graduate Candidate Test for Master Degree) 全国硕士学位研究 生入学考试
“Quality education” or “Score education” ?
National College Entrance Examination Millions of Chinese high school graduates of years of age sit for national college entrance examination for consecutive three days every June.
Students for NCEE
DIFFERENCES First School selection.School selection Second Class ModelClass Model Third Academic ethicsAcademic ethics
SCORE & QUALITY In china, as we know, the “score” may act through one’s whole course of pursuing his study. However, in America, high score only accounts for one third of the weight when talents are being selected. As for our Chinese college entrance examination system for selecting, we have to admit its fairness in china’s today’s situation. But drawbacks are quite obvious when qualified people’s value is judged. Whether a person could succeed after graduation mainly depends on his comprehensive quality, not the grades he has got. BACK BACK
Class Model In America, teachers can never lecture for a short time of 30 minutes in a forty-minute class. They have to welcome various kinds of questions proposed by their students. There is no lack of basic even childish ones, but professors will forever answer them with a smiling face. This scene that may cause the Chinese tutors’ panic is a daily performance in America. American universities keep to their well-known words: THERE IS NO STUPID QUESTIONS. Teachers in America care more for students enjoying asking. It is their belief that no matter how naïve the question is, it can be a promotion of thinking. This mini- class educational model enables everyone to play a leading role in daily class activities. BACK BACK In the classes in Chinese universities and colleges, teachers are constantly giving lectures on the platform while the students have been terribly drowsy for quite a long time. What is concealed behind the well-regulated class is called the resistance and distraction.
Academic ethics Profit in china and Integrity in western countries. Referring to scientific research, we can find that Chinese total amount of scientific papers ranks second in the world, but the moment American scholars point out that the overwhelming majority of imitated compositions are from Chinese learners, we blush up to the ears. On computer programming classes, the instructors are particularly strict with those plagiarists, canceling academic marks to not serious students and crediting their shameful behaviors to the file to be the eternal black spot to the serious ones. One mistake could be a lifelong regret. Therefore, American students have a strong self-discipline consciousness and a sense of shame, abiding by the academic and moral integrity.
The existing problems One The higher tuitour Two The lower quality Three The more unemployment
Some Points 1. Comprehensive promotion of quality education 2. Ensuring the realization of ‘two basic objectives’ 3. A continue of expanding the scale of enrolling new students.
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