Lau and Niels, NA62 TD meeting, 17 March 2014
Complete the crane consolidation in TCC8 Reinstall front-end after alignment checks Consolidation of T10 target Close up roof shield above front end of beam New location for fast valve, move 2 magnets Double separation wall Temporary modifications to ventilation system Prepare final ventilation system renovation Complete vacuum All the rest…..
The mechanical work on the TCC8 crane has been completed. Still some remaining work on the electrical distribution. The crane delivery is foreseen for end March (possibly March 18 th ). The new crane has no ‘guirlande’, but is powered via a rail. This makes the air separation between TCC8 and ECN3 much easier. Quite some work depends on the availability / reliability of the TCC8 crane!
Due to asymmetric profiles and slightly low kaon rate, the alignment of the beam front end has been verified in detail. This included an insert in T10. This required dismantling of the roof shield and of the TCX dump and of the first QNR quadrupole. Also one MTR dipole in next to the TAX had to be turned by 180 o. The TCX and magnets have to be reinstalled, as soon as the crane is available
Contrôle 3D (AT401). T10 insert At some stage….. Now Ecart Alti. : +0.16mm Ecart radial: -0.25mm (coté Salève)
QNR TCX Both are self-aligning Reinstallation as soon as the TCC8 crane is available again
All the mechanical parts of the T10 target will be replaced Specification in EDMS document The shielding itself will be preserved Replace target box with identical spare Different target materials were studied, but stay with Beryllium Replace the T10 collimator The TBIU unit will be replaced with a new box, containing - a BSI (Titanium foil for intensity measurement) - Two BSPH, two BSPV (split foils) - BBSH and BBSV (SEMP profile scanners) - Two halo foils with slits of 145x2.5 mm (one horizontal, one vertical) All this will be properly aligned and tested
Once the alignment of T10 and the from end is done, the roof shield will be completed
Now that we have agreed to install only one fast valve, it was deemed to install it as far downstream as possible, i.e. just upstream of GTK3. The 32 cm of longitudinal space required implied a displacement of the two last achromat-2 magnets by 32 cm. The magnets will be reinstalled soon (requires TCC8 crane).
The order has been placed with Sarvadon. Also a separation will be made in GHN300
With the double separation wall in place, the air separation between ECN3 and TCC8 should be OK, apart from leaks between the ventilation units. CV will take care of the pressurization of the double wall. Therefore we will STOP the ventilation in TCC8 in the technical run at the level of the double wall with dampers. This should rather efficiently stop the air flow from TCC8 into ECN3. With those measures the operation of the ventilation system should be close to the final version, apart from the bad shape of the ventilation units.
The study of the final ventilation system is in progress. Information will be made available on EDMS doc Installation is foreseen during the first half of 2015, before the start of the 2015 physics run.
The beam line vacuum remains to be remounted and leak tested, following the various modifications. The control is being implemented by the vacuum group The expansion vessel next to the RICH remains to be connected. The blue tank vacuum is on track. The planning for commissioning is tight due to late closing of the tank (detector arrival) and one should be aware that commissioning can take more time e.g. in case of leaks. As discussed before. It is important to close the tank as early as possible. Planning: Pumping test for K12, leak test, final test of control system (probably) fits with NA62’s proposed vacuum test in July - August Performed jointly by EN/MEF and TE/VSC (knowledge transfer). Final test with full gas load = pumping before & during physics run. Will be executed by EN/MEF, but under the expert eye of TE/VSC.
The GL vs I curve of QNL magnets will be measured and parameterised. This should lead to an even better understanding of the optics of P42 (and K12). We have also a better understanding of the gradients in QNR magnets. Understand / confirm orientation (H/V) of 4-jaw collimators. Consolidation and realignment of T4 target (late Summer). Replace 200 mm head by a 180 mm head (slightly better for T10 flux). The gas extraction and the H2 infrastructure must be installed → see next slide The RP monitoring system will be completed. Minor improvements to the side shielding of the K12 TAX. Install a fence at the entrance to the dump tunnel. Cesar upgrade, details still to be finalised. Not discussed here: infrastructure not directly related to beam (rack cooling, etc)
To be updated after crane renovation in TCC8
L.Gatignon, SPSC112, Experimental Area Status18