The internet Unit 18
The internet The internet is a network of networks. Through the world wide web we are able to browse internet pages, , download music and media, make calls … the list is endless! List as many services you can think of that are available on the Internet. List as many services you can think of that are available on the Internet. List as many services you can think of that are available on the Internet. List as many services you can think of that are available on the Internet. List as many services you can think of that are available on the Internet. List as many services you can think of that are available on the Internet. List as many services you can think of that are available on the Internet. List five services on the internet that you have used.
Parts of the internet ISP Internet browser Search engine URL List as many services you can think of that are available on the Internet. What do you know about each of these? List as many services you can think of that are available on the Internet. What do you know about each of these?
Business communication via the internet Businesses communicate with their stakeholders via the internet in many different ways. These include: e-commerce information posted on a website social networks blogs micro-blogging.
The advantages of the internet The internet has advantages for customers and business. These include: Customers can find information at the click of a button Better deals are available to customers Small businesses are no longer limited to local suppliers Businesses can cut costs Businesses are accessible 24/7.
The disadvantages of the internet Although the internet brings many advantages to both businesses and customers, there are some disadvantages for businesses. These include: the cost of the construction and maintenance of the website difficulty being found in search engines staff costs.