Worshipping Under Southern Skies Module Two Preparing for Sunday Living Liturgy – Living Life Rediscovering the Beauty of the Mass
Keeping the Lord’s Day holy…
God does not need buildings, times, rituals, gatherings… … but we do
We can and should pray anywhere and everywhere but this is not Liturgy
Liturgy is when the disciples of Jesus gather as the Church in worship
Which is the Church?
Second Vatican Council, Document on the Liturgy “Christ is always present in his Church, especially in her liturgical celebrations”
“Christ is present … in the person of his minister”
“But especially in the eucharistic species”
“Christ is present in his word”
“Lastly, he is present when the Church prays and sings”
So, we gather as Church to encounter Christ
And it is Christ who sends us out Ite, missa est. The mass is ended, go in peace. The Dismissal Go forth, the mass is ended. Literal: Go, it is let out