Today, Christ is remembered around the world for His resurrection after His “passion”. Acts 1:3 (KJV) His passion that should move us to “passionately” worship our God. No, we’re NOT advocating a shallow form of entertainment. We’re talking about a genuine heart moved to worship God.
With Reverence
Too many have a casual attitude toward worship (dress; worship services). Others are indifferent. We need genuine reverence as we stand before our Creator, Holy, and Righteous God! Matt. 15:8
With Thanksgiving
Too many have a “what do I get out of this” attitude. Unfortunately, too many think that “worship” is all about “us”. Instead, our attitude should be filled with thanksgiving. Psa. 105:1-4
With Love
We might have our worship “in truth” but lack the “in spirit.” John 4:23 –Praise God in the spirit of reverence and thanksgiving. –Magnify His name with awe and wonder.
As the world remembers the “Passion of Christ” we need to be passionate about our Christ and His God!