National Primary Care Development Team Phase III Penny Gates Lead Manager SW Peninsula NPDT Centre
Chronic Disease Management Diabetes COPD National Programme commenced September PCTs & 100 practices including –Bath & NE Somerset –Bournemouth –Bristol North –Torbay Refine the model and generate exemplars
Rollout Available to all PCTs April 2004 £20,000 for 2004/05 to provide project management support for participating PCTs Help practices reach the required standards to secure the necessary points under the new contract Application of generic improvement tools Help to address other clinical areas within the QOF Measures to demonstrate improvement
Aims To ensure that a minimum of 60% of all people with Diabetes (both Type 1 and Type 2) within participating sites have an HBA1c<7.5 To reduce the number of COPD hospital admissions by 40% in participating sites
How? Creation of care pathways for diabetes and COPD between primary and secondary care Delivering improvement at Practice level Getting the whole Practice on board Proactive secondary prevention Patient involvement Support from the PCT Support from local NPDT Centre Measurement
Improvement measures Diabetes % of people with diabetes with a last recorded HbA1c of <7.5 within the previous 12 months % of people with diabetes with a last recorded cholesterol reading of <5 mmol within the previous 12 months % of people with diabetes with a lst recorded BP reading of <140/80 within the previous 12 months % of people with diabetes with a retinopathy screening recorded within the previous 15 months (such screening according to national approved technique
Improvement measures COPD % of patients who have received spirometry to confirm diagnosis % of COPD patients with smoking status recorded within previous 12 months Number of acute admissions for respiratory illness in COPD patients in the previous 12 months
Other NPDT programmes…
QuISP Quality Improvement Skills for Primary Care 4 national one day learning events on the QOF –20 February - London –25 February - Bristol –27 February - Birmingham –1 March - Manchester 3 national "train the trainer events" Local delivery of QuISP training programme To multi-disciplinary practice teams in a third of PCTs Deliver training and practical tools in improvement techniques to primary care professionals Help practice teams and PCTs to implement the new contract
QuISP Programme 3 one-day Workshops Approximately 30 participants 3-4 members from between 6-10 practices per programme Commencing April this year Devon & Cornwall
nGMS/PMS Collaborative Help PCTs and practices teams to maximise the benefits achievable under nGMS and PMS 28 sites, one in each SHA area based on 28 PCTs and their constituent practices Drawing on expertise of others Showcase examples of good practice and what is possible Delivery through the NPDT Centres
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