Character/Setting/Plot Comprehension Materials for “The Polar Express” Revised materials created by Jessie Moreau, Gwinnett County Schools; original blank template version created by Barbara Monday, Floyd County Schools Directions: Print each slide (on cardstock if possible for increased durability) then cut out each picture and laminate each. -Add a small piece of rough Velcro® to the backs of each picture to use to complete the character/setting/plot graphic organizers or to use with felt/velcro boards. -Use materials to assess students’ comprehension via types of activities listed above To cite evidence of what the text says explicitly -- Use these pictures with the story “How to Eat Fried Worms”, either the adapted PowerPoint version or the original version of the story, for instruction and assessment of students’ abilities to: - answer comprehension questions about the story - retell the story - provide character/setting/plot information - sequence events in the story Common Core GPS See specific standards listed for each set of comprehension materials on the following slides:
Character/Setting/Plot Template Directions. Use this Character/Setting/Plot template to help work on comprehension skills of grade level literature and adapted stories with your students. You can use these pages for sorting, matching, and answering questions regarding the selected story. Copy and paste the appropriate Characters, Setting, and Plot pictures/symbols from your adapted story CDs, the internet, or scanned pictures from the books themselves, Print the Character/Setting/Plot pages and these picture/word cards on cardstock. Cut out the pictures then laminate, if possible. Use the soft side of sticky-back Velcro™ on the pages and rough Velcro™ on the backs of the pictures. (Aileen’s Tack It Over and Over™ can be utilized on the backs of laminated pictures as an alternate adhesive.) Bind the pages with a plastic binder to hold the pages together. *Teaching and assessment tips: Use the cards and pages to teach the story’s Characters, Setting and Plot. Choose the black bordered symbols or the color- coded symbols based upon student needs. You can then use the same activity to assess student comprehension of the story. Print out the pages and pictures for students to cut and paste as their final assessment. This student work then becomes documentation which can be submitted as a student work sample. Concept created by Barbara Monday, SLP; Floyd County Schools Template directions by Jessie Moreau, Gwinnett County Public Schools
Comprehension Slides 4-6 (only) ELACC3RL1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. ELACC4RL1: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Characters What characters (people, animals or things) provide action in the story? MMcTek/2007 & JMoreau/2012 Name __________________________________ Date ________________ Refer to the text to show comprehension of the characters from the story.
Settings Where does the story or events from the story take place? MMcTek/2007 & JMoreau/2012 Name __________________________________ Date ________________ Refer to the text to show comprehension of the settings from the story.
Events What events happen in the story? MMcTek/2007 & JMoreau/2012 Name __________________________________ Date ________________ Refer to the text to show comprehension of the events from the story.
ELACC.4.RL.3 Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s thoughts, words, or actions). Comprehension Slides 8 & 9 (only) ELACC3RL1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. ELACC4RL1: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. ELACC5RL1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Name ____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Character Setting Plot/Event Refer to the story to answer the question, “What character, setting and plot/event depict 1 scene from the story?” to show comprehension of explicit/implicit text.
Name ____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Character Setting Plot/Event Refer to the story to answer the question, “What character, setting and plot/event depict 1 scene from the story?” to show comprehension of explicit/implicit text.
Comprehension Slides 11 & 12 (only) ELACC.5.RL.3 Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact). ELACC.4.RL.3 Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s thoughts, words, or actions). ELACC3RL1: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. ELACC4RL1: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. ELACC5RL1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Name ____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Character Setting Event Refer to the story to answer the question, “What character, setting and plot/event depict 2 scenes from the story?” to show comprehension of explicit/implicit text.
Name ____________________________________________ Date _____________________ Character Setting Event Refer to the story to answer the question, “What character, setting and plot/event depict 2 scenes from the story?” to show comprehension of explicit/implicit text.
Character pictures - color-coded set ConductorHero Boy SantaElves reindeerPolar Express
Character pictures - color-coded set wolves and rabbits Sister and Hero Boy sister children Santa and Hero Boy
Setting pictures - color-coded set high mountains North Pole big city inside the train dark forestSanta’s sleigh North Pole
Setting pictures - color-coded set living room Special box bedroom
Plot pictures - color-coded set looked through the window Said, “All aboard!” traveled where animals lived “There is the North Pole.” drank hot chocolate went fast over peaks and valleys
Plot pictures - color-coded set gathered together “What do you want for Christmas?” “This is the first gift of Christmas!” jumped into his sleigh put bell into pocket Sad to lose his bell
Plot pictures/1 character picture - color-coded set waved goodbye bell still rings for me inside was the silver bell Shouted, “Merry Christmas!”