Murstein’s Filter Theory
Bernard Murstein explained the relationship among dating, social homogamy, and social exchange as a multi-step process. He uses the analogy of ‘sifting’ to suggest that individuals pass their dates through a series of ‘filters’ to screen out unacceptable marriage partners. This process of filtering leads an individual to only let one acceptable partner through, which ultimately leads to marriage.
Field of Eligibles Who is out there, the general population.
Propinquity Filter Who is close to us. An available group to choose from. (proximity)
Attraction Filter (Physical attraction/Personality) Judgment based on appearance and individual characteristics
Homogamy Filter (Age, Race, Education, Socio-Economic Class, Religion) Judgment based on how similar these factors are to the individual.
Compatibility Filter (Temperment, Attitudes and Values, Needs, Roles, Habits) Judgment based on similarities of these more qualities
Trial Filter (Cohabitation, Engagement) Statement of commitment here. Test of the compatibility of all previous filters.
Decision Filter Final decision is made here to see if individual is the right choice.