BIOME NAME Name: Go to Under the online resources, click on Science resources. Download the Biome Powerpoint document. Create a Powerpoint for a biome that is not the tundra. You should have at least 7 slides. You should have a slide for each of the following: habitat, 1 producer, 1 decomposer, 1 consumer, an interesting fact, a top predator, and a food chain/web that shows the flow of energy. Each slide should have 1 picture and 3 sentences or bullet points.
HABITAT NAME 3 sentences go here Pictures go in the box to the right For pictures, you can click on the icon on the bottom row in the middle
PRODUCER NAME 3 sentences go here Pictures go in the box to the right For pictures, you can click on the icon on the bottom row in the middle
CONSUMER NAME 3 sentences go here Pictures go in the box to the right For pictures, you can click on the icon on the bottom row in the middle
DECOMPOSER NAME 3 sentences go here Pictures go in the box to the right For pictures, you can click on the icon on the bottom row in the middle
TOP PREDATOR 3 sentences go here Pictures go in the box to the right For pictures, you can click on the icon on the bottom row in the middle
INTERESTING FACTS 3 sentences go here Pictures go in the box to the right For pictures, you can click on the icon on the bottom row in the middle
FOOD CHAIN Copy and paste pictures from the internet to create a food chain using the animals you listed in your PowerPoint.