EWRS workshop Site Specific Weed Management Bramstrup Nov Lars Byberg Environment and Quality DuPont Nordic
DuPont Crop Protection - The Triple Bottom Line Shareholder value Benefit to Society Environmental footprint
DuPont zCommitted to Sustainable agriculture zIntegrated Pest Management ySite specific weed management zDuPont Nordic y“DuPont Quality Program”
Sustainable Agriculture EXPRESS ®, ALLY ®, HARMONY ® PLUS, SAFARI ® and TITUS ® Production ISO 9000 IS EMAS Safety Ethics Formulations and packages Minimise spill/source contamination. It’s easy to handle No waste problems Inherent properties of SU products Products with favourable environmental and toxicological profile. High efficacy, low volume and low energy consumption. Information Always available DuChem Help Analyse of residues Water monitoring in surface water.
Future perspective zDemand for “Safe food” zEnergy and CO 2 emission from farming yFocus will turn from environmental impact of pesticides to energy consumption zHigh yield and low input