Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
_______________________________ We can now grow new body parts and soon donating blood will be a thing of the past, but will we go too far? We can now grow new body parts and soon donating blood will be a thing of the past, but will we go too far? Photo of a mouse growing a "human ear"
Genetic Engineering The human _____________________________________ of a cell. The human _____________________________________ of a cell. ______________________________ - Genetically engineered DNA prepared by splicing genes from one species into the cells of a different species. Such DNA becomes part of the host's genetic makeup and is replicated. ______________________________ - Genetically engineered DNA prepared by splicing genes from one species into the cells of a different species. Such DNA becomes part of the host's genetic makeup and is replicated.
genetically engineered tobacco plant with a __________________________
Recombinant DNA The ________________________________ _______________________________ ex. Bacterial DNA + human gene for insulin production Tobacco Plant DNA + firefly DNA for bioluminescence plant
Forming Recombinant DNA Desired Gene DNA from target organism Recombinant DNA with gene of interest
Golden Rice Golden rice is to develop rice varieties that _________________ (beta-carotene) as a means of alleviating vitamin A deficiencies in the diets of disadvantaged people in developing countries. (traditional rice varieties do not produce provitamin-A).
Growth hormone and therapy ________________ controls several complex physiologic processes, including growth and metabolism. Two baby mice - same age Human Growth hormone gene inserted into the embryo of the mouse on the right causing rapid growth The mouse on the left is a normal sized mouse
Insect Resistance 'Bt' is an ______________________, marketed worldwide for control of many important _______________ - mainly caterpillars of the Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), mosquito larvae, and black flies that vector river blindness in Africa. Results of insect infestation on Bt (right) and non-Bt (left) cotton balls.
Vaccines Banana is currently being considered as an __________ ___________________________ An edible vaccine doesn't need sterile syringes, costly refrigeration, or multiple injections WHO finds more than 2 million children die worldwide each year from diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholara bacteria can be prevented easily with vaccines.
Land Mines Neal Stewart at the University of North Carolina is developing ______________________ ______________________ Plants could be ideal biosensors for land mines as seeds would be spread widely and evenly in a suspect field The gene that can announce the presence of land mines is GFP
GFP and mice
Glo fish Fluorescent zebra fish were specially bred to help ________________ _____________________. By adding a natural fluorescence gene to the fish, scientists are able to quickly and easily determine when our waterways are contaminated
Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering techniques are used in a variety of industries, in agriculture, in basic research, and in medicine. Genetic engineering techniques are used in a variety of industries, in agriculture, in basic research, and in medicine. This genetically engineered cow __________________ and can help to increase dairy production.
Genetic Engineering There is great potential for the development of useful products through genetic engineering There is great potential for the development of useful products through genetic engineering EX., ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________EX., ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Seedless watermelons are genetically engineered
Ethical & Moral Concerns ___________is the production of ________________ cells or organisms.___________is the production of ________________ cells or organisms.
Ethical & Moral Concerns ___________ was the world's first cloned mammal.___________ was the world's first cloned mammal. Dolly the sheep Two calves cloned from cells in cow's milk, Japan.
Gene Therapy Gene therapy is a technique for ___________________________ _________________________________ for disease development. Possible cures for: –diabetes –cardiovascular disease –cystic fibrosis –Alzheimer's –Parkinson’s –and many other diseases is possible.
Is it right to use cloning to create an entirely new human being? Is it ethical to create an embryonic copy of John Doe to supply cells to keep John alive? Does a multicellular ball of tissue -- an embryo -- have the same rights and status as a human being?