Residual Analysis for ANOVA Models KNNL – Chapter 18
Model Departures Detected With Residuals and Plots Errors have non-constant variance Errors are not independent Existence of Outlying Observations Omission of Important Predictors Non-normal Errors Common Plots Residuals versus Treatment Residuals versus Treatment Mean Aligned Dot Plot (aka Strip Chart) Residuals versus Time Residuals versus Omitted Variables Box Plots, Histograms, Normal Probability Plots
Tests for Constant Variance H 0 : 1 2 =...= t 2
Remedial Measures Normally distributed, Unequal variances – Use Weighted Least Squares with weights: w ij = 1/s i 2 Non-normal data (with possibly unequal variances) – Variance Stabilizing Transformations and Box-Cox Transformation – Variance proportional to mean: Y’=sqrt(Y) – Standard Deviation proportional to mean: Y’=log(Y) – Standard Deviation proportional to mean 2 : Y’=1/Y – Response is a (binomial) proportion: Y’=2arcsin(sqrt(Y)) Non-parametric tests – F-test based on ranks and Kruskal-Wallis Test
Effects of Model Departures Non-normal Data – Generally not problematic in terms of the F-test, if data are not too far from normal, and reasonably large sample sizes Unequal Error Variances – As long as sample sizes are approximately equal, generally not a problem in terms of F-test. Non-independence of error terms – Can cause problems with tests. Should use Repeated Measures ANOVA if same subject receives each treatment
Nonparametric Tests