Lab Results Interfaces S&I Framework Initiative Bi-Weekly Initiative Meeting May 9, 2011
Agenda Remembering the Mission Moving Forward Workgroup Updates Face to Face Meeting Q&A + Group Discussion 2
Remembering the Mission To enable ambulatory primary care physicians to receive and meaningfully use standardized, structured electronic lab results… Establish the nationwide Implementation Guide for electronic submission of Lab Results to Ambulatory EHRs. –EHR vendors, LIS vendors and Labs agree that they can implement the IG and use it to transmit and consume lab results without a middleman –Providers broadly adopt EHRs that conform to the LRI IG - facilitated by Meaningful Use, State HIEs, RECs, and product options in the marketplace* * Success Metrics SWG to help determine the appropriate baseline metrics and target outcomes 3
Use Case Consensus Closing in on full consensus for the use case –Meaningful Use gives us a unique opportunity to make an impact nationwide – the use case volunteers have stepped up in a big way to produce a high- quality product –Congratulations to the volunteers and their support staff on their effort to bring this to completion on such tight timelines 4
Summer of Standards Harmonization Major Upcoming Milestones We Are Here IG Recomm- endation April: Lab Reporting Implementation Guide Analysis – policy and Conceptual Designs drafted In-scope Test approach reviewed and outlined May: Recommendations for IG Clinical Information Models drafted Conceptual Designs completed Vocabulary alignments completed Complete Public Health High Level Roadmap AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptOct F2F Meeting Begin Code Development June: Final F2F Meeting to come to consensus (proposed Jun 13-15) Prepare documented specifications and handoff to RI/DP Model and XML-Driven Specifications drafted Finalized XML and Model-Driven Spec Handoffs to RI/DP and begin working code development July: Recommendation to HITSC Initial Pilot Implementations August: Review working code/pilots with UCR/Harmonization (user acceptance) September: “Key Stakeholder” Messaging and Outreach Fall: Draft MU Stage 2 Rule 5
Use Case and Functional Requirements The Final LRI Use Case Documentation Package was posted for consensus voting by 4/25 with resolution of comments and final consensus targeted for COB 5/5. The work of LRI is not done. –To continue the great work you did developing the use case and functional requirements, we will need our members to continue supporting the initiative through the harmonization, architecture and build activities! –We also have a few WGs initiated from the use case that will continue… Use Case Simplification (Cross Spanning Initiative) – Thursdays am EDT Use Case Simplification Public Health Reporting – See next slide…Public Health Reporting 6
Public Health Reporting WG Volunteer Co-leads: TBD Action Items Began discussion on scope of Public Health WG efforts –Outline scope for public health agency, inpatient EHR and ambulatory EHR –Outline a scope diagram and description Start to outline (in a roadmap) the path forward that will harmonize the outbound laboratory messaging interface for results reporting to an EHR with results reporting to a public health agency. –Use Case Volunteers – please bring your public health expertise to this workgroup 7
Implementation Guide Analysis WG Volunteer Co-Leads: Ken McCaslin, Quest Diagnostics and Hans Buitendijk, Siemens Healthcare Action Items Finalize review of policy variances (escape sequences, identifiers, etc..) Finalize initial alignment of both HL7 implementation guides to consensus LRI Use Case Target an implementation guide “path forward” within 2-3 weeks. Next Steps Begin message structure variance analysis Agreement on approach to OIDs and UCUM 8
Clinical Information Model & Vocabulary WG Volunteer Lead: Cindy Johns, LabCorp Action Items Continue walkthrough of In-Scope Tests to identify most important tests to be piloted Walk through the most common and critical in-scope tests, to determine the appropriate vocabularies and value sets to be applied. Continued review of existing clinical information models from FHIM and HL7 –Work on mapping FHIM data elements to IG data elements Drafted a Laboratory CIM for review –The CIM may be road-mapped as a longer-term milestone 9
Architecture & Implementation Requirements WG Robert Lutolf and Rob Allen, Gensa Action Items Developed a draft deployment model for review –Provides a high level overview of how the LRI Implementation Guide (when completed) can be conceptually deployed Developed a draft abstract model for review –Highlight the necessary components/services needed to enable exchange of lab reporting data Next Steps Come to consensus on conceptual deployment and abstract model over the next 2-4 weeks 10
Face to Face Meeting Tentatively scheduled for June 13-15, located at HHS in Washington D.C. Expenses to be covered by volunteers WG leads are beginning to meet to set the agenda and key target items to be resolved. Full consensus should be achieved at this meeting