Country Paper Nepal For JMP workshop 5-7 August, 2008
Introduction Area of 147,181 sq. km. Ecological regions :Mountains, Hills and Terai with 35%, 42% and 23% Population 2001census 23.2 million. Present: 27.0 million. Population distribution : 7.2% in the Mountains, 44.3% in the Hills and 48.5% in the Terai Administration: 75 districts,3915 wards and 58 Municipalities Urban as Municipalities 15%.
Water resources Total water 225 Billion m3/annualy Used 15 Billion m3 Priority: Drinking water Licenses are issued to UC by District water resources committee Sources drying and become less during dry season Ground water depleting and contaminated by As, Fe and bacteria Sources maps are felt needed but not prepared yet.
National coverage official Water: 76% (Urban-85, Rural- 74) Sanitation: 46% (Urban-80, Rural- 40) Government’s annual and periodic plan and programs are mainly based on these figures. Programs are also based on need and demands from the districts.
CBS figures 2001 Water supply: 81% (Pipe- 53,Tube well -28) Sanitation: 46% (Flush-16, Ordinary- 30) These figures are also referred while giving priorities for budget planning. Sanitation figures of the CBS are generally referred Figures on coverage available in the various reports must be the interpolation of these two data
MDG/National Targets Water supply: %, % Sanitation %, % National programs are based on national targets Water supply: % Sanitation %
Coverage IndicatorYear wise Trends in terms of percentageLong MDG2017 Access to an improved water source Rural Urban National Average Access to an improved sanitation Rural Urban National Average
WATSAN Service level Piped system in which taps are located near house within 150 meter or 15 minutes walking distance At least 25 lpcd preferably 45 lpcd water Acceptable quality Taps run at least 4 hours a day for all 12 months. Tube well with hand pump with similar indicators Upgrading of service level with yard connection, 24 hour supply and increased supply Flush or Pit toilets.
National WATSAN Data Collection Reliable coverage data for planning, monitoring and reporting is the strongly felt-need for few years. Government started nation wide survey on water and sanitation. True coverage and functional status of water and sanitation can be better ascertained Project status will be listed at VDC level with salient features and functional status. Coverage by type of system will be reported at ward level. Similarly sanitation coverage by type of toilet used will be reported at ward level. VDC profile report will be prepared. Summary data can be seen at district level with status of VDC too. Now the only question is to update the data annually. Once local government becomes active, these data can be updated at local level with proper guidance from center level.
Issues Various Government and Non Government agencies are active in the sector, however, their responsibility are not very well demarcated and no coordination exists for data sharing Nationwide data collection on Coverage and functional status has been initiated. This will give a acceptable data for planning, monitoring and reporting reliable progress status towards national and MDG goals. A workable sector wide approach is necessary in terms of planning, monitoring and data management The consensus on the basic data required and its importance is needed for global reporting.
Thank You