Sesimbra, April th APPI Conference Rethinking Language Teaching Resources
the Webheads in Action Online with the Webheads in Action Teresa Almeida d'Eça Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
Part 1: Introducing the Webheads in Action Part 2: Voiceconferencing with Webheads in Action
INTRODUCING WEBHEADS IN ACTION an online community of practice that has been 'rethinking language learning resources' WHO we are: a community of EFL/ESL teachers worldwide Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
WHERE we are: all over the world! Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
HOW and WHEN we came together: through a TESOL- sponsored online training program in Jan 2002 Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
WHAT we did: online training for 8 weeks (Jan-Mar02) aims: build a solid online community learn to work with (a)synchronous communication tools and see their role in language learning Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
intense weekly program Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
synchronous tools used Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
community formation Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
HOW we communicate: WiA communications center Sesimbra, 29 April 2003 CHAT (YMessenger)MESSAGES ( ) Files Calendar Photos MembersLinks Database
list: daily basis 3850 messages in 16 months peak months: Jan - Mar (training time) Jan02 = 206 messagesJan03 = 502 messages Feb02 = 268 messagesFeb03 = 539 messages Mar02 = 328 messagesMar03 = 328 messages Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
chat: every Sunday, 12:00 GMT at Tapped In Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
WHAT we have done since Jan 2002 Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
WORK we have done Social chats: Jam session Jam sessionJam session Using webcams Using webcamsUsing webcamsUsing webcams What's in a Name? What's in a Name?What's in a Name?What's in a Name? Chat log from 20Apr03 Chat log from 20Apr03Chat log from 20Apr03Chat log from 20Apr03 Presentation chats: Carnival Carnival Valencia Modernist Architecture Valencia Modernist ArchitectureValencia Modernist ArchitectureValencia Modernist Architecture Demos:Using Voice Online Using Voice OnlineUsing Voice Online Wimba Voice Direct Wimba Voice Direct Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
WORK we have done Presentations: Tesol Arabia 2002 Tesol Arabia 2002Tesol Arabia 2002 Internet Fair Classics 2002 Internet Fair Classics 2002Internet Fair Classics 2002Internet Fair Classics 2002 TappedIn Summer Carnival 2002 TappedIn Summer Carnival 2002TappedIn Summer Carnival 2002TappedIn Summer Carnival 2002 Crosscultural Communication Online Crosscultural Communication OnlineCrosscultural Communication OnlineCrosscultural Communication Online Web pages:WiA Index WiA IndexWiA Index WiA Map WiA Map WiA World Clock WiA World Clock Courses:Listening and Conversation Listening and ConversationListening and Conversation English for Science English for Science Valencia Modernist Architecture Valencia Modernist Architecture Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
WHY we became a community of practice (CoP) dynamic coordinator motivating syllabus learning by doing and practicing learning collaboratively permanent interaction constant mutual support Sesimbra, 29 April 2003 trust bonds
ADDED VALUE professional development (in a motivating and fun way) interaction with colleagues collaborative learning mutual support sense of 'belonging' to a solid community of practice broad and diversified scope of learning Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
Why don't you join us? Go to and click on JOIN! Sesimbra, 29 April 2003
CHATTING WITH WEBHEADS IN ACTION let's see if we are lucky and meet a few Webheads online at one of these sites: Tapped In Tapped InTapped InTapped In Yahoo Messenger Yahoo MessengerYahoo MessengerYahoo Messenger Wimba Voice Direct (our most recent 'toy'!) Wimba Voice Direct (our most recent 'toy'!)Wimba Voice DirectWimba Voice Direct let's login! Sesimbra, 29 April 2003