Registration Prof. Ramez Bedwani
A. Disease registers: These are mostly used in cases of chronic diseases eg. Cancer registries, ischemic heart disease registries, t.b. registries, and mental diseases register. A register contain a full medical study and follow-up of each registered case. This method is of importance in epidemiological studies and in evaluation of treatment.
B- vital and health statistics Vital statistics depend upon registered documents of vital events which are birth, marriage, and divorce. Health statistics are carried by the ministry of health and cover three aspects:- --morbidity data are concerned with the distribution of illness in the population.
Sources of morbidity data Census or complete enumeration. Reporting of private physicians and institution. Sickness surveys. Registration of vital events. Morbidity Data Contains nonfatal injuries More difficult to obtain Coding and completeness varies Potential Sources: Trauma Registries Hospitals EMS Services State Injury Surveillance Systems Poison Control Centres
Functions and Purposes of Vital and Health Statistics Research in medicine, surgery and public health Organization: i.e. finding clues to causes and preventive measures of disease. Planning of medical, public health and allied social sciences Factors affecting health eg. Sanitation and nutrition. Medical services such as hospital. Immunzation.
Rates Related to birth
Rates Related to death
Rates Related to death
Training Question: Complete: and are sources of morbidity data. A register contain a and case. Registration is importance in studies and in Vital statistics depend upon registered documents of events which are , , and Health statistics are carried by the Health statistics cover three aspects , and
Assignment: The students are requested to prepare slides about the following topics: topics Students Name Application of registration in medical fields.ابانوب اسحاق عبد المسيح ابراهيم صداق ابراهيم ابراهيم ماجد عبد الغني احمد السيد احمد احمد جمال احمد Purposes of vital and health statisticsاحمد جمال الدين عبد الجواد احمد حسن احمد احمد حسن علي احمد حسين احمد رسلان احمد سعيد فرغلي
Outcomes: By the end of the lecture, the student will Recognize the importance and medical application of registration. Identify sources of data and how to collect data for health statistics.