Poquoson Middle School
Advantages Gather Info from Internet Digital Textbooks View Educational Videos Communication between teachers/students Fun Educational Games Technology urges students to learn more
Disadvantages Risk of crashing Students becoming distracted Locking themselves out of the device Taking photos without permission Students visiting inappropriate websites Teachers can’t monitor student activity
Providing Tech to all Students Fundraisers to raise money Renting/Borrowing technology to take home
Making Learning Fun Fun Educational Videos Educational Games Visiting attention-grabbing websites Free-time to browse the internet
Solving Security Issues Problem: People accessing devices without permission Solution: Enable a passcode Problem: People hacking into devices Solution: increase Firewall capability Problem: Privacy Issues (Photos) Solution: Teachers enforce picture-taking rules
Data Issues Buy devices with more gigabytes Parental Controls to prevent unauthorized downloads Fundraise money to buy more Data
Uses Internet Clock
Internet Gather important information Online Dictionary Explore many topics Find interesting facts
Clock Helps students learn time Helps students tell time Analog clocks help students read time
By: Ainsley, Charlie,Kaeld