1 Introduction: Dr. Morales B.S. Business Mgt – Un of Maryland M.S. Mgt – Un of Central Texas M.S. Reading Specialist – Shenandoah Un Nationally Board Certified Teacher Administration Certificate Doctorate in Education Shenandoah Un Preschool 2 years College Instructor 3 years Public School 16 years
Curriculum LCPS main page & click on Middle School Program of Studies. Mercer’s home page, staff, my name and curriculum. 2
3 Classroom Expectations Be Responsible Be Respectful
Schedule **fixed schedule ABAB** (website under A/B day under the Our School Tab,) Reading daily Writing daily Library every other week and as needed Peer and Teacher conferencing, this encourages kids to work as individuals 4
Assessment Parents must fill out a NEW login Formative assessments are a type of practice. Students are not held accountable in a “grade” for skills and concepts. Summative assessments are given periodically to determine at a particular point in time what students know and do not know. An accountability measure that is generally used as part of the grading process. 5
6 What We Read *Everything! Book Orders info on web page
7 Homework Independent reading is crucial for student growth! Independent reading is directly linked to grades in school
Wish List Please see Bobcat Paws 9
10 Contacts Mercer Middle School Office My address: : Mercer’s website is: Go to Staff and click on my name and it will take you to my site.