What is Inflation? The rise in the general price level. It is reported in rates of change.
Describe 2 reasons for the causes of inflation Possible Answers: Demand Pull Theory- all sectors in the economy try to buy more than the economy can produce. Shortages are then created and merchants lose business. To compensate, some merchants raise their prices. Others don’t offer discounts or sales. In the end, the price level rises.
Describe 2 reasons for the causes of inflation Possible Answer: Deficit of federal government- if the Federal Reserve System expands the money supply to keep the interest rate down, the federal deficit can contribute to inflation. If the debt is not monetized, some borrowers will be counted out if interest rates rise. This results in the federal deficit having more of an impact on output and employment than on the price level.
Describe 2 reasons for the causes of inflation Possible Answer: Cost Push theory – labor groups cause inflation. If a strong union wins a large wage contract, it forces producers to raise their prices in order to compensate for the increase in salaries they have to pay. Wage Spiral- no single group is to blame for inflation. Higher prices force workers to ask for higher wages. If they get their way, then producers try to recover with high prices. Basically, if either side tries to increase its position with larger price hikes, inflation will happen.
Describe 2 reasons for the causes of inflation Possible Answer: Excessive monetary growth- when any extra money is created, it will increase some groups buying power. When this money is spent, it will cause a demand-pull effect that drives up prices. For inflation to continue, the money supply must grow faster than the real GDP.
What types of people are negatively affected by inflation? People with fixed incomes. Retired people often live off of a fixed income.
List five goods and services that consumer price index covers: 1.Food and Beverages 2.Housing 3.Apparel 4.Transportation, Education and Communication 5.Medical care, recreation, “other goods and services”
List two things that are not included in the consumer price index? 1.Stocks and Bonds 2.Real Estate, Life Insurance
Cost Push Inflation Happens when costs increase independently of aggregate demand.
Demand Pull Inflation Happens when there is “too much money chasing too few goods”. Excessive growth in demand literally pulls prices up.