B- bayP-pay C-sayT-Tay D-day V- Vay G-zhayW- doubluhvay
F- effR- ai r ( as in Bach) L- ellS- ess M- emmZ- zed N- enn
I- EE X -EEKS J- ZHEE Y- EE GREK Like the sound you Associate with a mouse!
A- AH H-OSH K- KA Like at the dentist
Q- KEW U-EW Purse your lips together
O-OH As in: Oh, NO!!
E- EUH As in: Duh! I knew that
A-J-S- B-K-T- C-L-V- D-M-W- E-N-X- F-O-Y- G-P-Z- H-Q- I-R-
On paper, write out the letters I say