MCW Cancer Center 2014 Scientific Retreat June 6, Board Meeting MCW Cancer Center Community Advisory Board October 13, 2014
Welcome! 2 Please welcome our special guest, Dr. Melinda Stolley Dr. Stolley is an expert in community based participatory cancer research, working in underserved communities on the Chicago’s south side She is a candidate for the MCW Cancer Center Associate Director of Prevention and Control
Welcome! 3 Introductions Please Indicate if you are a new member / if you were not at the first meeting If you were not at the first meeting, please provide a brief background and tell us why you are interested in participating on the board.
Upcoming Events 4 American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network Day at MCW, November 6 th Dr. Otis Brawley, 8:30 AM Scientific Lecture by Dr. Otis Brawley, Chief Medical & Scientific Officer for the American Cancer Society 5:30 PM Cocktail Fundraiser, Dr. Brawley key note speaker “…an acknowledged global leader in the field of health disparities research, Dr. Brawley is a key leader in the Society’s work to eliminate disparities in access to quality cancer care.” Co-chaired the U.S. Surgeon General’s Task Force on Cancer Health Disparities Served in a variety of capacities at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), most recently as assistant director
Overview of Nominal Group Input Voting 5 Members voted for their top 10 areas of focus Content was categorized into eight (8) themes – see handout for specific details.
Overview of Nominal Group Input Voting 6 Section 1: Build Cancer Center Relationships and Trust Section 2: Identify and build key Cancer Center community partnerships Section 3: Communicate and disseminate cancer information Section 4: Develop Cancer Center partnerships with existing clinical providers in underserved communities
Overview of Nominal Group Input Voting 7 Section 5: Build Cancer Center community health outreach and navigator programs Section 6: Identify Cancer Center research projects, grants and clinical trials that address the needs of the community Section 7: Perform sociologic and economic research about causes of cancer Section 8: Conduct research to better understand the issues behind the cancer disparities in southeast Wisconsin
Possible Areas of Focus 8 Based on votes, CC CAB co-chairs drafted these five areas of focus: 1.Education 2.Needs, Barriers, Gaps 3.Communications & Dissemination 4.Cancer Navigators 5.Sociological and Socioeconomic Research DRAFT ONLY - Need the board’s input
Areas of Recommendation 9 Two additional areas where the CC CAB would make recommendations to Froedtert and Cancer Center Faculty: 1.Expand Frodetert clinical cancer care into city neighborhoods 2.Recommend specific projects and partners for the upcoming P20 grant submission
DISCUSSION – Areas of Focus & Input 10 Guiding Principles: Focus on the community, using the guidelines of CBPR/CEnR No more than five areas of focus/subcommittees Based on the nominal group input and voting Recent visitor and expert in cancer prevention and control was impressed by the areas of focus ID’d by board members – Liked that these are not specific to disease-site / type of cancer, showed that the board is thinking globally about how cancer impacts the community.
Subcommittee Process 11 MCW Cancer Center Staff Assignments/Roles Partner Education Subcommittee, Kathleen Schilz Needs, Barriers, Gaps and Communication & Dissemination Subcommittees, Anne Quimby Mathias Cancer Navigators and Sociological and Socioeconomic Research Subcommittees, Kathleen Jensik
Subcommittee Meetings & Next Steps 12 MCWCC staff will handle subcommittee meeting logistics develop tools for the meetings Invitations and attendance tracking Background information/data Action plan template Agendas Slides
Subcommittee Meetings & Next Steps 13 MCW Cancer Center staff will work with the subcommittee chairs to schedule the first meeting On- or off-campus, whatever is preferred Goal – hold an initial planning and organizational meeting by mid-November – Select chair/co-chairs – Set subcommittee meeting schedule – Start an action/action item plan – Plan content for second and subsequent meetings
Subcommittee Process 14 Subcommittee Member Assignments Board members should select one or two (1-2) subcommittees on which to serve Indicate your selections on the sheets provided Cancer Center staff will work with members to plan and schedule the first subcommittee planning and organization meeting
MCW Cancer Center 2014 Scientific Retreat June 6, Final Reflections