7/8 Spanish 1 Nicole Toth ¡B IENVENIDOS ! W ELCOME !
A BOUT M E 7th year at BCS Bachelor’s degree in Spanish and Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Teaching, both from MSU Married 5 years to Chad, a real estate agent for Coldwell Banker Schultz and the Director of Marketing for Bruttell Roofing. Live in Oxford with our 16 month old son, Tyler Another son on the way on Nov. 22.
M ATERNITY L EAVE Have made a recommendation, but am waiting for principals to interview/hire someone Should be gone between Thanksgiving and Winter Break, give or take a week each side Will train with my long-term sub – your kids will be in good hands!
S PANISH AT BCS Why Only Spanish at BCS? Hispanics - 15 percent of our country’s total population, the largest race minority Growing at a rate of 3.4% per year By 2050, the Hispanic population expected to be over 24% By focusing on one language 3-8, students get the opportunity to advance farther in Spanish than at the other schools Many students take Spanish 3 as a Freshman and continue on throughout high school, ending as Seniors in the comparable- to-college level class, Hispanic Perspectives
7/8 P ACING S CHEDULE Spanish 1b+Spanish 2a/b Students Who Take this Course Incoming 7 th graders 8 th graders new to BCS who have not taken much Spanish 8 th graders who need to repeat Incoming 8 th graders 8 th graders new to BCS who have taken enough Spanish before General Progression 7 th graders – Spanish 2 at BCS 8 th graders – HS Spanish 2A 8 th graders that perform at a high level – HS Spanish 3A 8 th graders that perform at a passing/below passing level – HS Spanish 2B
SPANISH 1 Our curriculum is based on the National Standards for Foreign Language, which encompasses the 5 C’s of Modern Language Education: Communications – Understanding and producing the language Cultures – Practices, products and perspectives of Hispanic countries Comparisons – comparing Spanish language and Hispanic cultures to English/US Connections – integrating with other curriculum areas Communities – using Spanish beyond school setting
SPANISH 1 Book En español 1B by McDougal Littell Grade Weight Percentages Assignments – 45% Quizzes/Tests – 45% PEP (Preparation/Effort/Participation) – 45%
SPANISH 1 Work/Late Work Many times, if a student has an overall low grade in Spanish, it is due to missing/late work Shift of focus – Spanish 1 is a CORE academic class, not a Co-Curriculur. Students should expect to get as much work to do here as in other Core classes. I accept late homework, but it goes down by 25% each week it is late.
SPANISH 1 Quizzes/Tests Approx. 2-3 Vocabulary Quizzes per quarter of words Approx. 2 Unit Tests per quarter consisting of Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Grammar sections
SPANISH 1 PEP (Preparation/Effort/Participation) 10% of grade is based on PEP PEP Rubric includes these categories: Preparation and Effort Participation Class PresenceIndividual Participation Academic PreparednessPartner/Group Participation Accepting Constructive CriticismSpanish-speaking Participation Respect Towards Others Openness to Learn
C LASS R ESOURCES My Website: Located here: Digital Copy of Tonight’s Information (Course Outline/PEP Rubric, This Power Point) Daily Class Schedule Hand-outs Helpful Links My Contact Information (also see handout)
C LASS R ESOURCES PowerSchool k12.mi.us/public/ Your Child’s Grades at your Fingertips! Log-in after Oct. 5 Replaces paper copies of Progress Reports
C LASS R ESOURCES Helpful External Resources: Take-Home Tutor CD-Rom (see handout)
MARCH 4 – 5, 2010 SAME PRICE as last year - $337 Look for more information soon!
C LASS T RIP : N EXT Y EAR (2011) – S AN A NTONIO, T EXAS Week of February Break $ Look for more information during 2 nd semester!
H ERE ’ S TO A N E XCITING Y EAR FOR YOUR S TUDENTS ! Thank you for coming!