1 Elasticity of Substitution How easy is it to substitute one input for another??? Production functions may also be classified in terms of elasticity of substitution Shape of a single isoquant… Elasticity of Substitution is a measure of the proportionate change in K/L (capital to labor ratio) relative to the proportionate change in MRTS along an isoquant:
2 Note Throughout Book uses ξ for substitution elasticity I use σ They are the same: ξ = σ It just seems to me that σ is used more often in the literature….
3 Elasticity of Substitution Movement from A to B results in L becomes bigger, K becomes smaller capital/labor ratio (K/L) decreasing MRTS = -dK/dL = MP L /MP K => MRTS KL decreases Along a strictly convex isoquant, K/L and MRTS move in same direction Elasticity of substitution is positive Relative magnitude of this change is measured by elasticity of substitution If it is high, MRTS will not change much relative to K/L and the isoquant will be less curved (less strictly convex) A low elasticity of substitution gives rather sharply curved isoquants MRTS A MRTS B
4 Elasticity of Substitution: Perfect-Substitute = , a perfect-substitute technology Analogous to perfect substitutes in consumer theory A production function representing this technology exhibits constant returns to scale ƒ( K, L) = a K + b L = (aK + bL) = ƒ(K, L) All isoquants for this production function are parallel straight lines with slopes = -b/a
5 Elasticity of substitution for perfect- substitute technologies σ = ∞
6 Elasticity of Substitution: Leontief = 0, a fixed-proportions (or Leontief ) technology Analogous to perfect complements in consumer theory Characterized by zero substitution A production technology that exhibits fixed proportions is This production function also exhibits constant returns to scale
7 Elasticity of substitution for fixed- proportions technologies Capital and labor must always be used in a fixed ratio Marginal products are constant and zero Violates Monotonicity Axiom and Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns Isoquants for this technology are right angles => Kinked At kink, MRTS is not unique—can take on an infinite number of positive values K/L is a constant, d(K/L) = 0, which results in = 0 σ = 0
8 Elasticity of Substitution; Cobb- Douglas = 1, Cobb-Douglas technology Isoquants are strictly convex Assumes diminishing MRTS An example of a Cobb-Douglas production function is q = ƒ(K, L) = aK b L d a, b, and d are all positive constants Useful in many applications because it is linear in logs
9 Isoquants for a Cobb-Douglas production function σ = 1
10 Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) = some positive constant Constant elasticity of substitution (CES) production function can be specified q = [ K -ρ + (1 - )L - ρ ] -1/ρ > 0, 0 ≤ ≤1, ρ ≥ -1 is efficiency parameter is a distribution parameter is substitution parameter Elasticity of substitution is = 1/(1 + ) Useful in empirical studies
11 Investigating Production Spreadsheets available to assess Cobb- Douglas and Constant Elasticity of Substitution Production Functions. On Website I suggest reviewing them.
12 Technical Progress/ Technological Change L K q0q0 q1q1 L1L1 K1K1 K0K0 L0L0 Technical Progress shifts the isoquant inward The same output can be produced with less/fewer inputs
13 How to Measure Technical Progress? If q = A(t)f[K(t), L(t)], The term A(t) represents factors that influence output given levels of capital and labor. Proxy for technical progress
14 Technical Progress Continued Divide result on previous page by q and adjust = output elasticity wrt capital = e K = output elasticity wrt labor = e L Some identities:
15 Technical Progress Continued Rate of Growth of Output is: Rate of Growth of Output is equal to Rate of growth of autonomous technological change Plus rate of growth of capital times e K (output elasticity of capital) Plus rate of growth of labor times e L (output elasticity of labor)
16 Historically Data from Robert Solow’s study of technological progress in the US,
17 Annual Productivity Growth in Agriculture (1965 – 1994) (Nin et al., 2003) RegionAgricultureLivestockCrops ME/N. Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Asia South Amer E. Europe W. Europe
18 How much can the world produce? DICE Model (W. Nordhaus – see Nordhaus and Boyer, 2000). Dynamic Integrated Model of Climate and the Economy. Production: Q(t) = A(t)*(K(t) 0.30 L(t) 0.70 ) A(0) = K(t) = $73.6 trillion L(t) = 6,484 million (world population) Q(t) denominated in $ trillion/year
19 Additional Assumptions A(t) increases at 0.37% per year. Global average increase in productivity. Compare to alternative: 0.19% per year.