Elasticity of Demand D. E. Weir Lawrence Central High School
Definition Elasticity describes the way that consumers (you) respond to price changes.
Inelastic A price increase will not change the consumer’s demand.
Elastic A price change will change the consumer’s demand.
Graphs $ Q $ Q InelasticElastic
Total Revenue Test Elastic – If you increase price and you get less income. Inelastic – If you change the price and you have the same or greater income
Total Revenue Test Pre-Change Price X Quan. Sold = TR
Total Revenue Test Pre-Change Price X Quan. Sold = TR $2.00 X 150 =
Total Revenue Test Pre-Change Price X Quan. Sold = TR $2.00 X 150 = $300
Total Revenue Test Pre-Change Price X Quan. Sold = TR $2.00 X 150 = $300 Post-Change Price X Quan. Sold = TR
Total Revenue Test Pre-Change Price X Quan. Sold = TR $2.00 X 150 = $300 Post-Change Price X Quan. Sold = TR $2.50 X 100 =
Total Revenue Test Pre-Change Price X Quan. Sold = TR $2.00 X 150 = $300 Post-Change Price X Quan. Sold = TR $2.50 X 100 = $250
Was there a significant change in Revenue? Yes = Elastic No = Inelastic
Factors Affecting Elasticity Availability of substitutes Relative importance Necessities vs. luxuries Time