Wykonała: Barbara Węgrzyn IVd
In common with other European countries, the most frequent and most popular form of theatre in Poland is dramatic theatre, based on the existence of relatively stable artistic companies. It is above all a theatre of directors, who decide on the form of its productions and the appearance of individual scenes.
At present, the Polish theatre actor possibly best-known outside the country is Andrzej Seweryn, who in the years 1984–1988 was a member of the international group formed by Peter Brook to work on the staging of the Mahabharata, and since 1993 has been linked with the Comédie Française. Andrzej Seweryn
During the second half of the nineties, there appeared in Polish dramatic theatre a new generation of young directors, who have attempted to create productions relevant to the experience and problems of a thirty-something generation brought up surrounded by mass culture, habituated to a fast-moving lifestyle, but at the same time ever more lost in the world of consumer capitalism. The leading theatre in this movement is Warsaw's TR, known as "the fastest theatre in town". Among its collaborating directors, Krzysztof Warlikowski and Grzegorz Jarzyna stand out. Warlikowski has gained international recognition with a series of innovative productions of Shakespeare, performed both at Polish theatres (The Taming of the Shrew, Hamlet) and abroad (Pericles at the Piccolo Teatro in Milan, Twelfth Night and The Tempest at the Stadt-Theater in Stuttgart). Looking for a way to present the complex existential situation of contemporary humanity, Jarzyna reaches both for contemporary drama (Witkiewicz's Tropical Madness, Gombrowicz's Princess Ivona, or Frazer's Unidentified Human Remains...) and classic European novels (Dostoyevsky's The Idiot, Mann's Doktor Faustus, directed at the Hebbel Theater in Berlin). Recently, both directors have taken an interest in the work of Sarah Kane, mounting startling productions: Cleansed (Warlikowski) and 4.48 Psychosis (Jarzyna).
Krzysztof Warlikowski Grzegorz Jarzyna
The true rebirth, following the collapse of the Soviet empire, was experienced by the Ludowy Theatre in Nowa Huta district of Kraków taken over by an actor, director, and politician Jerzy Fedorowicz (1989–2005). Under his management, the theatre won considerable recognition, and numerous awards. It was twice invited to the Edinburgh International Festival: in 1996 with Macbeth directed by Jerzy Stuhr, and in 1997 with Antigona directed by Włodzimierz Nurkowski. Current director is Jacek Strama, an award winning theatre and film producer.
Jerzy Federowicz Włodzimierz Nurkowski Jerzy Stuhr
Jan Englert (born 11 May 1943) is a Polish film actor. He has appeared in more than 60 films since Since 2003 he has served as Artistic Director of the National Theatre in Warsaw.
Daniel Olbrychski (Polish pronunciation; born 27 February 1945) is a Polish actor best known for leading roles in several Andrzej Wajda movies and also known for playing the Russian defector and spymaster Vassily Orlov, alongside Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie in the movie Salt.
Michał Żebrowski (born 17 June 1972) is a Polish actor and singer.
Krzysztof Kowalewski (born 20 March 1937) is a Polish actor and comedian Kowalewski has been awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta (2002), Gold Medal of Medal for Merit to Culture, "Gloria Artis" (2009) and Grand Prize Splendor (Wielki Splendor) (1992)
Marian Opania (born 1 February 1943) is a Polish film actor and singer. He has appeared in over 50 films since 1965.
Ewa Wiśniewska (born 25 April 1942) is a Polish actress. Her sister,Małgorzata Niemirska, is also an actress. Wiśniewska was awarded the Order of Polonia Restituta, one of Poland's highest Orders, and many other Orders, including Gold Cross of Merit.
National Theatre, Warsaw The National Theatre (Teatr Narodowy) in Warsaw, Poland, was founded in 1765, during the Polish Enlightenment, by that country's last monarch, Stanisław August Poniatowski. The theatre shares the Grand Theatre complex at the Theatre Square in Warsaw with another national venue, the Poland's National Opera.
Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Kraków, Poland, erected in 1893, was modeled after some of the best European Baroque theatres such as the Paris Opera designed by Charles Garnier, and named after Polish poet Juliusz Słowacki in 1909.
The Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre is a Shakespearean theatre in Gdańsk, Poland. It is built on the site of a 17th-century theatre, known as the Fencing School, where English travelling players performed works of English Renaissance theatre. The leading figure in the project to construct the new theatre is Jerzy Limon, a founder of the Gdańsk Shakespeare Festival.It has been built by architect Renato Rizzi in the light of Limon's research which suggests that the Fencing School was modelled on the Fortune Playhouse in London. Though not an attempt at an exact reproduction, the new theatre combines elements from the design of these earlier theatres with modern technology. It opened in September 2014.
Silesian Theatre (Polish: Teatr Śląski ) dedicated to Stanisław Wyspiański is the largest theatre in Silesia. It is located on the market square in Katowice. It was built as "German Theatre" in the years , from plans by German theatre architect Carl Moritz. Its Golden Age was in the late-1940s and the 1950s.