EN Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION National evaluation conference Marielle Riché Evaluation unit, DG REGIO Bucharest, 18 February 2009
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 2 Evaluation requirements in the context of Structural Instruments Tool to judge, to learn, to improve programmes management, to communicate ? Evaluation and monitoring Contribution to the political debate Capacity building is key
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 3 Evaluation requirements in the context of Structural Instruments Art 47: improve the quality, effectiveness, consistency of the strategy and implementation of OPs Art 48: the MS shall carry out evaluations linked to the monitoring of OPs in particular where significant departure from the goals Art 49: Ex post will examine the effectiveness, efficiency, impact, factors of success or failure, will identify good practice.
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 4 Tool to judge (effectiveness, efficiency, relevance etc.): accountability for public money Tool to understand (trends, challenges, needs, relevance of programmes) and to learn what works, for what kind of activity, in which context Tool to improve programmes implementation (link with monitoring, involvement of stakeholders - partnership art. 11), and communication Role of evaluation in programming period
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 5 Evaluation and monitoring Link reinforced in New Regulation: use of evaluation to help achieve expected results Evaluation needs good data - Output indicators given by monitoring systems - Result indicators needs more work to design and collect - Impact indicators…
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 6 Contributes to the on-going political debate Under pressure to show results to European Parliament and Council: we need you ! Core indicators: - Set of indicators that should be used in all programmes where appropriate - Designed for use by Commission: only possibility to aggregate data at European level - Not always properly reported
Regional Policy EUROPEAN COMMISSION 7 External capacity building: - create an evaluation market, - design evaluation courses Internal capacity building: - train policy practitioners, - organise exchange of experience, seminars etc. European capacity building: conference on evaluation methods, Warsaw, 30 November/1st December (tbc) Capacity building is key