COMPASS FRC – November 29, COMPASS FRC Novembre 29, 2013 COMPASS – phase II MoU Technical Coordinator Preparations for 2014 run Publications
COMPASS FRC – November 29, Bochum, Bonn (ISKP & PI), Erlangen, Freiburg, Mainz, München TU USA (UIUC) Saclay (CEA-DSM) Tel Aviv Calcutta (Matrivian) Torino (University,INFN), Trieste (University,INFN) Warsaw (NCBJ), Warsaw (TU) Warsaw (U) CERN Yamagata Prag (CU/CTU) Liberec (TU) Brno (ISI-ASCR) Dubna (LPP and LNP), Moscow (INR, LPI, State University),Protvino Lisboa/Aveiro COMPASS in 2013 Taipei (AS) New groups since 2012: USA-IUIC, Taipei-AS & Portugal-Aveiro
COMPASS FRC – November 29, COMPASS Collaboration in Countries + CERN 23 institutes 217 Members: 141 paying members 43 PhD students 24 Diploma students 7 Rotation JINR 2 Exceptions
COMPASS FRC – November 29, COMPASS – phase II Schedule of program approved by Research Board : 2012 Primakoff run A A DVCS run p p Oct.15-Dec.15: Drell-Yan test (Magnet – Polarized target - Absorber) 2015 Polarized Drell-Yan p X 2016 DVCS p p 2017 DVCS “ “
COMPASS FRC – November 29, MoU was agreed upon at the last FRC meeting, dec.2012 signed by CERN Directorate S.B. in February 2013 sent for signature to funding agencies in February 2013 already signed by: Czech RepublicItaly JapanPoland Russia-JINR USA not yet signed by: France-CEAGermany-BMBF Portugal-FTPRussia (for Protvino IHEP)
COMPASS FRC – November 29, MoU – Signatures of funding agencies Table as of July 2013
COMPASS FRC – November 29, Costs planning Changes versus original tables in MoU: -US: Only one drift chamber is funded, instead of two. Part of existing straws will be kept. This is fine for Germany : 57 kCHF for the ECAL1 upgrade were paid from the Collaboration funds, and consequently are removed from the German contribution (see Table Sub-detector B, MoU page 30) Spending profile unchanged
COMPASS FRC – November 29, Technical Coordinator The Collaboration Board has identified a candidate, J. Bernhard, and proposed him to CERN, for the role of Technical Coordinator. J.B. would be ready to start the job by March 1 st, We are confident that the issue is close to be solved. This is an important step for the forthcoming installations and runs.
COMPASS FRC – November 29, Plans during the shutdown Preparation of the 2014 run (Polarized Drell-Yan) -Magnet repair and instrumentation -Displacement of Polarized target by 2.3m -Insertion of Drell-Yan absorber -New Drift Chamber DC5 Everything on track We thank the funding agencies for funding on time COMPASS phase-II
COMPASS FRC – November 29, Further constructions for 2016 ECAL0 calorimeter for DVCS run in 2016 Rest of DVCS setup as in 2012, including long LH 2 target
COMPASS FRC – November 29, Publications in 2013 Leading order determination of the gluon polarisation from DIS events with high-pT hadron pairs, PLB 718 (2013) 922 Measurement of the Cross Section for High-pT Hadron Production in Scattering of 160 GeV/c Muons off Nucleons, PRD 88 (2013) Leading and Next-to-Leading Order Gluon Polarisation in the Nucleon and Longit. Double Spin Asymmetries from Open Charm Muoproduction, PRD 87 (2013) Study of Σ(1385) and Ξ(1321) hyperon and antihyperon production in deep inelastic scattering, EPJC 73 (2013) 2581 Hadron transverse momentum distributions in muon deep inelastic scattering at 160 GeV/c, EPJC 73 (2013) 2531 Transverse target spin asymmetries in exclusive ρ0 muoproduction, CERN-PH-EP/ , subm. PLB More than 10 papers still in the pipeline. Trying to publish while no beam.
COMPASS FRC – November 29, Spares
COMPASS FRC – November 29, Investment table Updated Nov. 2013
COMPASS FRC – November 29, MoU- Investment table Subdetectors: A: Tracking B: Electromagnetic Calorimetry C: LH 2 Target D: Recoil Proton CAMERA Detector E: DAQ/Trigger/DCS F: Particle Identification G: Absorber H: Polarized Target Original table-Feb Updated Nov. 2013
COMPASS FRC – November 29, Projected spending – I
COMPASS FRC – November 29, Projected spending- II