Jewish Holidays
Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year (starts spiritual new year) 10 day period of repentance leading up to Yom Kippur Time of reflection and self-examination Occurs in September osh-hashanah-history osh-hashanah-history
Yom Kippur Day of Atonement The major fast of the year Asks forgiveness for not keeping vows Seeks forgiveness from anyone they have wronged Honors and renews the sacred covenant of the Jewish people with God Occurs in September aid/676113/jewish/Yom-Kippur.htm aid/676113/jewish/Yom-Kippur.htm an-introduction-to-the-jewish-day-of- atonement_55f352a5e4b077ca094f3c6c an-introduction-to-the-jewish-day-of- atonement_55f352a5e4b077ca094f3c6c
Sukkot Commemorates the time when Israelites lived in temporary shelters in the desert on way to promised land. Build shelters in open air and fill with greenery For 7 days family eats there Also celebrates the end of the harvest Simhat Torah- last day- ends the yearly cycle of Torah readings- creation to death of Moses Occurs in early October ins-of-the-jewish-holiday-of-sukkot-seeker- daily htm ins-of-the-jewish-holiday-of-sukkot-seeker- daily htm
Hanukah Judah Maccabee defeats Greek tyrant Temple s rededicated but only oil enough for one day- takes 8 days to make new oil Lit it anyway and miraculously it burned for 8 days Manura- 8 branch candlestick Celebrates the survival of the Jewish faith in midst of adversity Occurs in December kkah kkah
Tu B’shvat New Year for Trees Environmental festival Plant trees in Israel or send money to do so around the world Occurs in January/February i-DXvHQ i-DXvHQ
Purim Celebrates the story of Esther Jewish queen of Persian King Xerxes who rescues her people from being destroyed by Haman. Every time “Haman” is read try and drown it out with yelling and noisemakers. Occurs February or March JSZg JSZg cdo/aid/ /jewish/Purim-Is- Awesome.htm cdo/aid/ /jewish/Purim-Is- Awesome.htm
Pesach Passover- celebrates the deliverance of the Israelites from captivity in Egypt. 8 day festival- Passover seder- Unleavened bread and other items symbolize the trials and then deliverance of the people. Occurs March or April assover assover
Yom Hashoah Holocaust Remembrance and Heroism Day To remember the victims of the holocaust Siren sounds for 2 minutes of silent devotion- 11am 27 th of nisan- marks the day of Warsaw ghetto uprising Occurs March/April d-Oo d-Oo
Shavuot Pentecost/feast of weeks Wheat harvest and thankfulness for the gift of the Torah to Moses Occurs in May xiyuZqc xiyuZqc
Tisha B’Av Both first and second temples in Jerusalem were destroyed on this day A time to rememeber the victims of the Holocaust Day of fasting and mourning Occurs in July 7wFlv0Q 7wFlv0Q
Yom Haatzma-Ut Israel’s Independence Day May 14, 1948 Celebration, folk dancing, family picnics =voO3DXnPc-U =voO3DXnPc-U =LaRAPpBE4Fo =LaRAPpBE4Fo