Neurons & Glia Lesson 8
Nature of the Nervous System n Golgi & Cajal shared Nobel Prize (1906) n Reticular Theory l Camillo Golgi n The Neuron Doctrine l Santiago Ramon y Cajal Silver chromate l Golgi Stain ~
Neurons n Basic functional unit of N.S. l Specialized cell l All cells have same basic properties n Regulation of behavior n Information processing l Transmits l Integrates l Stores ~
n Dendrites & Soma l Receives & Integrates information l electrical signal within ~
n Axon carries information away from soma l Electrical signal within l Axon terminal releases chemical message ~
By function (connections) Neuron Classification
By Morphology n # of neurites l Multipolar, bipolar, monopolar n By Dendrite Structure l Pyramidal l Stellate n Dendritic Spines l Spiny or Aspinous ~
Unipolar BipolarMultipolar By morphology (# of neurites)
By Axon Diameter n Sensory afferents l Size: largest smallest A , A , A , C n C: small, unmyelinated l pain & temperature A : l not associated with skin receptors l proprioceptors in muscle ~
Primary Afferents n Conduction speed l larger faster & l myelinated faster~
Other Classification Schemes n Axon length l Golgi Type I - long l Golgi Type II - short (local signaling) n Chemistry l neurotransmitter released l e.g., cholinergic, dopaminergic ~
Neurons vs. Nerves n Neurons - cells l microscopic n Nerves - bundles of axons l seen with naked eye ~
Astrocytes n Provide physical support n Regulating chemical content of extracellular fluid l localizes neurotransmitters l K+ concentration n Blood-brain Barrier ~ Glia
Brain Capillary Blood-Brain Barrier Typical Capillary astrocytes
BBB: Function n Maintains stable brain environment l large fluctuations in periphery n Barrier l to poisons l neurotransmitters & other chemicals n Regulates nutrient supplies l glucose levels l active transport ~
Myelin n Wrap around axon n Saltatory Conduction l faster transmission n CNS: oligodendroglia or oligodendrocytes n PNS: Schwann cells ~
Other non-neuronal cells n Microglia l phagocytosis l immune-like function n Ependymal cells l line walls of ventricles l develop from radial glia ~