U.S. Government and Politics Pol
Agenda Introductions Syllabus and Class Policies Discuss some current events
Introduce Yourself NameYearMajor What are you doing here? What is your breakfast of champions?
Scope of Class Broad Introduction to American Politics HistoryConstitution/LawInstitutions Public Opinion/Elections/Voting Public Policy
Goals To provide a basic understanding of key concepts in American politics To provide an overview of political science research on American politics To encourage active participation in the political process To provide civic skills to facilitate political participation Restore a civilized tone to political discourse
Class Format Lecture/Discussion Feel free to interrupt I will try to answer questions as best I can Be Respectful
Readings O’Connor and Sabato American Government: Continuity and Change 2004 ed. Cannon, Coleman, and Mayer The Enduring Debate Other readings on class site/e-reserve Readings are due by date on syllabus
Assignments Midterm/Final Enduring Debate questions News Monitoring Reports Paper
Policies Attendance/ParticipationGrading 100/90/80/70/60 100/90/80/70/60 Late work penalized 10% per day Late work penalized 10% per day Assignments due in class at beginning Assignments due in class at beginning Grading not on curve Grading not on curve Must turn in all assignments and take final Must turn in all assignments and take final No Incompletes
Academic Integrity Cheating is bad Includes Plagiarism, inappropriate assistance, submitting same paper multiple times, etc. Harsh Penalties Will pursue Put Honor Oath on all assignments Proper assistance
Accommodations etc If you have particular needs, let me know Please let me know if you are having problems sooner rather than later
Finding Me Office 103C library Office Hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays is best bet Phone is OK (use common sense) Class cancellation Check before class if weather is bad Check before class if weather is bad I will try to get notice posted I will try to get notice posted 15 Minute Rule 15 Minute Rule Use time for something productive Use time for something productive
For Thursday O’Connor and Sabato Chapter 1 Zakaria Article from Newsweek (class website)