I am a product of GCPS, NGHS graduate of 2001 Attended Young Harris College before graduating from UGA Completed my Masters Degree at Walden University Husband and I live in Dekalb county with our Boxer dog, Tucker This is my 7 th year teaching LA/SS at Hull ABOUT MRS. SCHUETZ
WRITING - AKS Writing Journal Formal Writing Prompts Writing Process (Going Green) Research Writing Guide Handout
READING - AKS Reading improves vocabulary, comprehension, writing, and knowledge Literature textbook / Interactive Reader Independent reading / Book Reports (first one due Sep. 10 th ) Genres: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, oral traditions
GRAMMAR – AKS Daily Grammar Practice (DGP) Grammar textbook (primarily a resource) Mentor texts & sentences Grammar in context
GRADING POLICY Semester Grades Summative Assessments (tests/projects/quizzes) : 50% Classroom Assessments (writing/classwork/homework) : 40% Final Exam : 10% Students must earn a passing score on each of the CRCT subtests (Language Arts and Reading) I will try to grades home every week; please check Parent Portal for more up to date information
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Encourage your children to read every day – find an author they like and capitalize on that Have them study a little every day – even if they say they have no homework Check Parent Portal and talk to your children about their grades. What is going well? Why? What is not going well? Why not?
CONTACT INFO Websitehttp://gcps-cassieschuetz.onmycalendar.comhttp://gcps-cassieschuetz.onmycalendar.com
ABOUT MRS. SCHUETZ I am a product of GCPS, NGHS graduate of 2001 Attended Young Harris College before graduating from UGA Completed my Masters Degree at Walden University Husband and I live in Dekalb county with our Boxer dog, Tucker This is my 7 th year teaching LA/SS at Hull
HOW IS PROBE LA DIFFERENT? Faster paced curriculum More in-depth More student-led discussions More options with projects Vocabulary Workshop WordMasters More complex DGP sentences
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Utilize agenda every day Bring materials to class every day Be organized Work must be of high quality Effort is key to being successful in class Review work done in class nightly
LANGUAGE ARTS CURRICULUM Vocabulary Vocabulary Workshop (usually due on Thurs., and assessment Fri) WordMasters Grammar Weekly DGP sentences (usually due on Wed.) Writing Formal assessments every quarter Writing Guide Handout Literature Novel study every quarter (Shane, A Christmas Carol, Watership Down, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer) Short stories and nonfiction in class
GRADING POLICY Semester Grades Summative Assessments (tests/projects/quizzes) : 50% Classroom Assessments (writing/classwork/homework) : 40% Final Exam : 10% Students must earn a passing score on each of the CRCT subtests (Language Arts and Reading) I will try to grades home every week; please check Parent Portal for more up to date information
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Encourage your children to read every day – find an author they like and capitalize on that Have them study a little every day – even if they say they have no homework Check Parent Portal and talk to your children about their grades. What is going well? Why? What is not going well? Why not?
CONTACT INFO Websitehttp://gcps-cassieschuetz.onmycalendar.comhttp://gcps-cassieschuetz.onmycalendar.com
ABOUT MRS. SCHUETZ I am a product of GCPS, NGHS graduate of 2001 Attended Young Harris College before graduating from UGA Completed my Masters Degree at Walden University Husband and I live in Dekalb county with our Boxer dog, Tucker This is my 7 th year teaching LA/SS at Hull
SOCIAL STUDIES - AKS Eastern World (Asia, Africa, and the Middle East) Geography, History, and Culture World Religions Government Economics Personal Finance
Eastern World Textbook (now on Student Portal) Content Related Videos Magazine/Newspaper Articles Reading/Writing Technology Novels (The Breadwinner) Technology HOW WE LEARN
Brain Pop CNN student news Maps user name = Gwinnett -- password = media Textbook Review Keyword = SK7 Ch(#) Online Text now found on Student Portal T RESOURCES In the classroomAt home
GRADING POLICY Semester Grades Summative Assessments (tests/projects) : 50% Classroom Assessments (quizzes/student work) : 40% Final Exam : 10% Students must earn a passing score on each of the CRCT subtests (Social Studies) I will try to grades home every week; please check Parent Portal for more up to date information
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Have them study a little every day – even if they say they have no homework Look through the Interactive Notebook together Check Parent Portal and talk to your children about their grades. What is going well? Why? What is not going well? Why not?
CONTACT INFO Websitehttp://gcps-cassieschuetz.onmycalendar.comhttp://gcps-cassieschuetz.onmycalendar.com
ABOUT MRS. SCHUETZ I am a product of GCPS, NGHS graduate of 2001 Attended Young Harris College before graduating from UGA Completed my Masters Degree at Walden University Husband and I live in Dekalb county with our Boxer dog, Tucker This is my 7 th year teaching LA/SS at Hull
EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENTS Utilize agenda every day All vocabulary quizzes are open note Spelling counts (for vocabulary, countries, and capitals) Bring Interactive Notebook (I.N.) to class every day Be organized Work must be of high quality Effort is key to being successful in class Review work done in class nightly
SOCIAL STUDIES - CURRICULUM Text – Eastern World by Holt (can now be found on Student Portal) Eastern World (Asia, Africa, and the Middle East) Geography, History, and Culture World Religions Government Economics Personal Finance
POLITICAL MAP TESTS Students will be tested over the capitals and countries of SW Asia, Africa, and Asia when these units are studied Helpful websites: (username: Gwinnett, password: media) Lizardpoint (you will need to Google this one)
NATIONAL CURRENT EVENTS LEAGUE Administered in November, January, February, and March No preparation except for watching the national news on various websites, television channels and the radio In class we watch And,
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Have them study a little every day – even if they say they have no homework Look through the Interactive Notebook together Check Parent Portal and talk to your children about their grades. What is going well? Why? What is not going well? Why not? Talk with your children about current events
GRADING POLICY Semester Grades Summative Assessments (tests/projects) : 50% Classroom Assessments (quizzes/student work) : 40% Final Exam : 10% Students must earn a passing score on each of the CRCT subtests (Social Studies) I will try to grades home every week; please check Parent Portal for more up to date information
CONTACT INFO Websitehttp://gcps-cassieschuetz.onmycalendar.comhttp://gcps-cassieschuetz.onmycalendar.com