Participation Over the next few slides we will learn the ways that people can participate in politics. Create a mind-map and add to it as we go through the slides.
Participation Over the next few slides we will learn the ways that people can participate in politics. Create a mind-map and add to it as we go through the slides. How people can Participate…
Voting in Elections… People take part in electing their representatives like councillors, MPs, MSPs etc…
Joining a Political Party… People join together to put forward their ideas for running the country. They can also take part in selecting party candidates.
Standing as a Candidate… People can stand for a party. E.g. SNP, Labour…
Campaigning in an election… People put forward the views of their political party and help to get their candidate elected.
Contacting Representatives… By phone, letter, , surgery… People are taking part by making their views known.
Petitioning… People can contact the Scottish Parliament and ask them to consider, and take action on, an issue.
Joining a Pressure Group… People are supporting a cause and trying to get representatives to take action.
Lobbying… Lobby politicians to get them to support you on an issue. This often involves trying to meet them in between their parliamentary business and presenting information to persuade them.
Protesting… Can organise a demonstration to try to generate support for an issue. Example – Anti-war demonstrations about the war in Iraq.
Join a Trade Union… Allows workers an opportunity to be represented in work related decisions. Example of a trade union – UNISON.
Homework - KU Question How can people participate in politics in the UK? 6 marks Use Point Explain Example 1.Pick a way people can participate 2.Explain it 3.Give an example
Participation Clips… n-in-uk-politics/5619.html - ways to participatehttp:// n-in-uk-politics/5619.html politics-matters/6891.html - why politics mattershttp:// politics-matters/6891.html participation/4053.html - voter apathyhttp:// participation/4053.html n-and-representation-in-scotland/4041.html - in Scotlandhttp:// n-and-representation-in-scotland/4041.html
KU Question How can people participate in politics in the UK?6 marks POINT – One way people can participate in politics in the UK is by protesting. EXPLAIN – This is when people gather together to protest against an issue. EXAMPLE – For example, recently many people protested against the war in Iraq.
Extension… Use pens and highlighters to decorate your mind-maps.
Participation… Lesson Starter 1.How can people participate in politics?
LIVING IN A DEMOCRACY QUIZ Modern Studies Standard Grade
Question 1 What type of representative represents us in the House of Commons? a)Members of the European Parliament b)Members of Parliament c)Members of the Scottish Parliament d)Councillors
Question 2 A country where the government is elected is called a… a)Dictatorship b)Democracy c)Dictator d)Diktat
Question 3 In Britain, what age do you have to be to vote? a)16 b)21 c)18 d)17
Question 4 A country where you do not have freedom of speech is called a … a)Dictatorship b)Democratic c)Democracy d)Demy
Question 5 What responsibility comes with the right to protest? a)To turnout and vote b)Not to tell lies c)Not to break the law d)Accept what the majority want