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Presentation transcript:

The 10 Gates of Nehemiah 3 – presented by clicking your mouse for each page and point.

THE GATES NEHEMIAH CHAPTER 3 The Sheep Gate v.1 The Fish Gate v.3 The Old Gate v.6 The Valley Gate v.13 The Dung Gate v.14 The Fountain Gate v.15 The Water Gate v.26 The Horse Gate v.28 The East Gate v. 29 Inspection Gate v.31

THE GOSPEL The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, The Lost Sheep of Israel (Sheep Gate) Come follow me and I will make you FISHERS of men! Let your net down. (Fish Gate) With Jesus and the Gospel – Old Testament was over – New Testament begins (Old Gate) God put on flesh and came into the VALLEY of life – sin, death, disease, demons, hurt, pain, etc. The Dung – all of our righteousness is as filthy rags before God. Jesus went to the cross to pay for our sins (Dung Gate) Zech 13 says that with the crucifixion – a FOUNTAIN was opened for the cleansing of our sins! (Fountain Gate)

THE GOSPEL After our salvation we go through the WATER of baptism as a testimony to the world and the resurrection of Jesus. (Water Gate) Rev19:11 – Behold, I saw heaven opened and a white HORSE. The rider of which was called Faithful and True – The return of Jesus! (Horse) When he returns he will enter the temple mount through the EASTERN GATE – the same one he came through on Palm Sunday. (East Gate) At the Great White Throne – the grand INSPECTION of the universe will take place. Jesus reigns as judge. (Inspection Gate)