The Mexican Revolution Name of Students
Causes - Incubation Use multiple Slides for Each Cause of the Revolution. Use only 3 Bullets of facts per slide
Causes - Incubation Remember try to find causes before any symptoms appear. You will need to go back in time to research this.
Causes - Incubation Please add images that show the audience what you are writing about in visual form. Minimum of two images per stage of Revolution. You may find a short video to embed in project (I can disable You tube if needed)
Causes - Incubation Remember to use the Brinton stages of Revolution (French Revolution) as your guide In a revolution, this stage would involve the political, social, intellectual, or economic causes. In some cases, these causes could fester for many years before showing themselves in the form of actual revolutionary action.
Moderate Stage - Symptoms Now find the Symptoms of the Revolution. If they fit the political spectrum in terms of radical, liberal, moderate, conservative or reactionary then label the symbol and be able to explain why it is that label. 1 st part to involve direct action resulting from social, political, intellectual, or economic causes of incubation stage. Might involve the publication of works calling for a change, street level riots by common people, or more direct attempts at changing society.
Radical Stage - Crisis What was the Crisis stage? Explain. What label would fit for this and why? Make or break part of struggle. May involve conflict where sides for and against revolution compete. (could take the form of debate or full- scale war) Successful revolutions survive this stage- those that don’t are failed rebellions. If yours failed explain why it failed.
Moderate - Convalescence Recovery from the extreme disruptions of crisis stage. Political, social, intellectual, or economic causes of revolution must be addressed in some way, though not necessarily to satisfaction of all revolutionaries. Explain this for your revolution.
Checklist Each student in group is responsible for one stage; the others will combine their efforts to the forth stage if necessary. Each student needs to find at least ONE primary source that supports their stage.
Check list Each student needs to write their own paper comparing the revolution they researched with the French Revolution. Also each student needs to create ONE multiple choice question dealing with their stage. (in word, four possible answers, and correct answer) send to me by .