Briar Hill School Data Summary Fall 2010
Student Diversity: ESL, Special Education Based on 194 students % of Population Gifted 5% Other Mild/moderate 8% Severe 5% ELL 8% FSL 41%
Provincial Achievement Test Grade 3 Language Arts AEBAEBAEBAEBAEB Total Test100%43%0%100%33%0%96%48%4%100%36%0%100%58%0% Reading 96%65%4% Writing 96%35%4% Grade 6 Language Arts AEBAEBAEBAEBAEB Total Test100.0%40.9%0.0%100.0% 73.1 %0.0% %55.9%0.0% %55.9%0.0%96.6%41.4%3.4% Writing %44.1%0.0%86.2%44.8%13.8% Reading %79.4%0.0%100.0%48.3%0.0%
PAT’s Math Grade 3 Mathematics AEBAEBAEBAEBAEB Total Test97.1%65.7%2.9%100.0% 16.7 %0.0%96.0%52.0%4.0%92.9%50.0%7.1%96.2%50.0%3.8% Knowledge 92.9%46.4%7.1%100.0%46.2%0.0% Skill 89.3%57.1% 10.7 %96.2%57.7%3.8% Grade 6 Mathematics AEBAEBAEBAEBAEB Total Test100.0%39.1%0.0%96.2% 30.8 %3.8%92.6%22.2%7.4%97.1%20.6%2.9%N/A Knowledge %20.6%0.0% Skill 97.1%47.1%2.9%
PAT’s- Gr. 6 Science & Social Grade 6 Science AEBAEBAEBAEBAEB Total Test100.0%73.9%0.0%96.0%72.0%4.0% %25.9%0.0% %52.9%0.0%89.3%21.4%10.7% Knowledge %50.0%0.0%89.3%35.7%10.7% Skill 97.1%64.7%2.9%85.7%28.6%14.3%
Pillar Data for School Development Plan Safe & Caring Broad program of Studies Education Quality Programming for Children at risk Prep for lifelong Learning and world of work Citizenship Parental Involvement School Improvement Participation Parents Students Teachers
Puddle Math Data (SKILL Students not included in this data.) Sample size LowMediumHighExceptional Grade 1Nov-09300%60%37%13% Jun-10300%57%47%7% Grade 2Nov %55%6%0% Jun %55%19%0% Grade 3Nov %64%5%0% Jun-10249%77%23%0% Grade 4Nov %79%4% Jun %52%13%4% Grade 5Nov %43%14%5% Jun-10234%48%22%26% Grade 6Nov %58%13%0% Jun %63%17%0%
Math Report Card Data – June 2010 Number and Percentage of Students Receiving a “5” by Mathematics Strands Total School (Does not include SKILL class) – 167 Students Report Card StrandNumber of Students Percentage of Students Applies mathematical skills and strategies to solve problems Communicates understanding of mathematics through writing or speaking, using manipulatives,pictures Understands mathematical concepts, skills and procedures. 4025
Cycle of Professional Inquiry What do you want to see students do differently? What are the outcomes or results you want to see? What might you do differently in your instructional practice (e.g. changes in instruction, assessment) to try to improve student achievement? What indicators would assist you in seeing if what you are doing differently is helping to create the improved student achievement you identified?
School Development Plan E-2 Academic Success Outcome 2.1 Students demonstrate high standards in learner outcomes Measures Strategies Implement a learning model that establishes a system-wide focus on the relationship between the teacher, the student and content; the instructional core Action Students will engage in collaborative mathematical problem solving, communicating understanding through multiple forms of representation.
School Development Plan E-2 Character Development Outcome 5.1 School environments are safe and caring Measures -Percentage of teachers who strongly agree and agree that students at your child’s school respect each other (ACOL) -Percentage of parents who strongly agree and agree that students at your school respect each other (ACOL) -Percentage of students who responded yes that at school most students respect each other (ACOL) Strategies Embed character development into student learning to impact the culture of the school Action Possibilities Students consistently participate in purposeful and intentional teaching and modeling of the school’s Circle of Caring