“A TIME WHEN VOLUNTEERS MADE A DIFFERENCE” 2012 Modern Woodmen Speech Competition
VOLUNTEER: 1. a person who voluntarily offers himself or herself for a service or undertaking. 2. a person who performs a service willingly and without pay.
What events, groups, sports, and activities have you been a part of since birth?
Sunday School Youth Group Good News Club Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts RBA Poplar Wolves/Poplar Hornets Hockey Soccer Wrestling Hoop League (5 th and 6 th gr.) 4H
HOW HAVE VOLUNTEER GROUPS HELPED OUR SCHOOL DISTRICT? Tutors help students academically PTA/PTO organize fundraising events to provide students and schools with needs/wants GLNACA (Gordon Nelson Athletic Complex Association) raises money that make it possible to finish athletic fields Chaperone field trips and school events Activities Club provides funding for all academic/activities/special events when the need is worthy (50/50 tickets at games, Frisbee toss) i-FAN makes it possible for the community/world to watch the Northwestern Tigers compete Library volunteers keep THIS library open during 4 th block when the librarian is teaching another class.
HOW HAVE VOLUNTEER GROUPS HELPED OUR COMMUNITY? Local food shelf volunteers: Helps families who are struggling to pay for food. Kids in Nebagamon: Organization that gets donations for needy families. Local LIONS clubs: Help families after tragedies, help pay for youth sports uniforms (non school related,) pay for eyeglasses for families who can’t other wise pay. Volunteer Fire Dept.’s: Provide your town with trained volunteers who risk their lives to save yours. Church Activities: Good News Club, Youth Groups, Committees to help others. Library Services: Lake Nebagamon and Iron River use volunteers to keep their libraries open for more hours, reshelf books, run the circulation desk, etc. 4H Leaders plan local, regional, state, and National events. 4H is a huge part of our local fairs.
HOW HAVE VOLUNTEER GROUPS HELPED OUR COUNTRY? Red Cross Salvation Army Habitat for Humanity Food Shelf Catholic Charities Lutheran Social Services Thrivent Financial *Could you imagine our country without the help of some of these organizations? Hurricane Katrina? 9/11? Oil Spills in the ocean? Earthquakes, Tornados, Forest Fires, Tsunamis?
HOW HAVE VOLUNTEER GROUPS HELPED OUR WORLD? World Hunger Organizations: Bread for the World, UNICEF, Freedom From Hunger, Peace Corps Red Cross Salvation Army International Church Volunteer Groups: Building schools, homes, and teaching in impoverished countries. Celebrities traveling to impoverished countries to care for the sick. *Could you imagine the impact on other countries without these volunteer organizations? There would be many deaths due to hunger, malnutrition, lack of clean water, and lack of shelter.
Why should you volunteer? Volunteering helps to alleviate stress. It helps you enjoy good health since you have a sense of achievement and satisfaction. Studies have proved that you get a peaceful night’s rest when you volunteer. Volunteering helps you feel good about yourself. Volunteering helps other people. Volunteering makes the world a better place. Volunteering will give you the edge on a college, scholarship, or job application over those that don’t volunteer. To learn about an activity or organization that interests you. To gain perspective on life (there is no better way to understand your blessings than to help people in need)
Volunteerism is a vital part of our society today. When you volunteer you are making our community, state, country, and world a better place to live. So, what is a volunteer project or movement that has made a tremendous Impact? Consider both small-scale, community-driven efforts, and large National efforts. Who was responsible for leading and/or carrying out the volunteer effort? Consider projects led by one or many people. How has this volunteer effort positively impacted one or more people? And how does it continue to improve quality of life for people? Use these questions to begin to formulate some ideas for your speech.