Struggle for equal rights April 6, 2015 Objective: Understand the fights for equal rights among different minority groups.
Review 12/14/20152 Directions: Briefly explain each of the following cases in your notes OR to your neighbor! Adarand v. Pena UC Regents v. Bakke Grutter v. Bollinger Gratz v. Bollinger
Introduction 1.Definition 2.Major Categories of Discrimination 1.Racial 2.Gender 3.Other (age, disability, religion, orientation) 3.14 th Amendment (**) 1.Free Slaves 2.“Jim Crow” South 12/14/20153
4 I. Equal rights for women 1.19 th 2.Legislation: 1.Equal Pay Act-1963 (Comparable Worth) 2.Civil Rights Act Title IX of Education Act Medical & Family Leave Act, 1993
12/14/20155 I. The Second Feminist Wave… 1.Litigation 1.Reed v. Reed, 1971: no arbitrary 14 th 2.Roe v. Wade, Planned Parenthood v. Casey 2.Success in electoral politics th Congress, ~20% 2.“Soccer Moms”-Clinton 3.3 females on SC 4.“Gender sensitive”
Review Takings Clause Santa Fe v. Doe Mapp v. Ohio Habeas Corpus Griswold v. Connecticut Supremacy Clause 12/14/20156
7 II. Equal Rights for Blacks 1.~13% 2.Dred Scott, 1857, (Missouri-Illinois-Missouri) 3.13 th, 14 th, 15 th amendments 4.Plessy v. Ferguson, Civil Rights Act 6.Voting Rights Act, Brown v. Board, th Amend. 9.Nonviolent civil disobedience vs (any means necessary) 10.“Black vote”-which party 11.Clarence Thomas 12.KEY ISSUES
12/14/20158 III. Equal rights for Hispanics 1.>15% 2.Sonia Sotomayer 3.Lau v. Nichols, Key issues 1.Bilingualism (ballots) 2.Plyer v. Doe (substantial state interest) 3.Immigration 1.“Day Without Immigrants” 4.MALDEF 1.Chicana Rights Project
12/14/20159 IV. Asians 1.~6% 2.Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Filipinos, Southeast Asians 3.Korematsu v. United States, Key Issues: 1.Education 2.Employment
V. Private Discrimination (PUBLIC PLACES/FACILITIES/EMPLOYERS) 1.Civil Rights Act, Public Accommodations 1.(Heart of Atlanta) 2.Employment/Hiring 2.Fair Housing Act, Age Discrimination in Empl. Act, ADA, “Reasonable Accommodations” 12/14/201510