Year 4 Class teacher: Miss Gibson TA: Mrs Lama
Why are you here? Overview of what we will be learning this year. To find out about class rules and rewards. How you can help your child. Chance to ask me some questions.
School/Class Rules We work quietly and safely at all times We listen carefully and do as we are told the first time We keep our hands feet and objects to ourselves We are kind and polite to others We take care of our own and other peoples belongings
Rules and Rewards Good to be Green Table points House points Marbles
LITERACY TARGETS Each child will have targets created from their cold task in the front of their literacy books. They should use these in their writing where possible and always in the hot tasks. These are used to get a teacher assessment level for your child.
What will we be learning this year?
Home Learning In year 4, Children should be doing at least minutes per night home learning (including reading). Most of your child’s homework will be set on a Friday Homework should be handed in on a Friday. Homework will involve: Blooms Taxonomy grid Maths worksheet Spellings Friday: Times tables test and spelling test.
Reading Your child will be given a suitable reading book based on their reading level. They should take this book home everyday. Once your child has completed a book, they are to complete a reading review and have it checked by Mrs Lama. Once this has been checked, they will choose a new reading book. All children will read as part of a group in our weekly guided reading sessions. Mrs Lama will hear those children who have a lower reading age than their chronological age on a regular basis. There will be time for independent reading either during registration or after lunch on a daily basis. Children should be reading for at least 10 minutes per day at home.
How can you help? Help your child to learn their times tables. Check your child is completing their homework. Listen to your child read every day. Practise their spellings. Ensure your child has a full P.E. kit in school.
What to do if you have any concerns. Speak to myself (After school in the playground or you can make an appointment to see me after school) Request a contact book Ask to meet with Mrs Love, Mr Martin or with the FLO
Questions? Thank you for attending this evening and I hope that your child will enjoy Year 4!