Ms. Cox’s Back to School Night Welcome Green Trails parents! August 25, 2010
ALL ABOUT ME This is my fourth year teaching. I have been lucky enough to be involved with the Parkway School District the whole time! I’ve taught 5 th grade, 2 nd grade and Reading. I went to Southeast Missouri State University for my undergrad in Elementary Education with a concentration in mathematics. I am in the process of getting my Masters in Elementary Education with a Reading Emphasis from Maryville University.
COX’S DAILY SCHEDULE Monday-Thursday 8:10 – 8:30 Arrival / Attendance 8:30 – 8:45 Morning Meeting 8:45 – 9:10 Word Work 9:10– 10:15 Reading Workshop 10:20 – 11:20 Writing Workshop 11:20-11:55 Recess and Lunch 12:00 – 12:20 Read Aloud 12:20– 1:10 Specials: PE, Art, Music 1:15– 2:15 Math 2:15 – 3:00 Social Studies / Science Friday 8:30-8:50 Word Work 8:50-9:30 Reading Workshop 9:30-10:30 Library/Enrichment 10:35-11:15 Writing Workshop Our afternoon schedule is the same
COMPLETED WORK Papers are sent home on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please review papers with your child. Some papers are only checked for completion. Please correct and return papers when asked.
HOMEWORK Incomplete work from each day should be taken home to finish-please look in your child’s folder. An assignment sheet will be filled out each night with the homework and the due date. Please check this sheet each night. Homework is not given every day. Math textbooks are sent home as a reference for you and your child. Read, Read, Read! Fill out Reading Log. A minute free time will be given on Friday to all students who have turned in all assignments for the week.
ABSENCES Please call the office or myself when your child will be absent. Let me know if you want your child’s homework on the day that he/she is absent. Send me an for this (I may be unable to check my phone).
BOOK ORDERS These are sent home about every 3 weeks. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH….CHECKS ONLY… payable to Scholastic Book Clubs. Send only one check even if ordering from more than one club. Your book order gets our classroom FREE BOOKS!
BIRTHDAY TREATS ONLY pre-packaged and individually wrapped items may be brought to school. Cakes, cookie cakes or bakery cupcakes may not be brought to school for birthday treats (please be cautious of peanuts and tree nuts). Cupcakes must be individually wrapped… for example…Little Debbie, Hostess, etc. Homemade items may not be brought to school. Treats will be passed out at lunch. Students are not allowed to deliver treats to other classes.
TRANSPORTATION A note must be sent if your child is going home a different way other than the usual…I will not let them leave unless they have a note. Call the office if plans change during the day, as I may not check and phone messages. This is for your child’s safety.
CONFERENCES Conference dates are the evenings of November 18, 2010 and March 2, I will offer alternative conferences times during that week for those who are unable to make it to the scheduled date/time.
CURRICULUM Math – Investigations Literacy – Guided Reading, Self-Selected Reading, Read Alouds, Shared Reading, Spelling, Writer’s Workshop, and Word Work. Science – Units include: Matter, Soil, Life Cycle of a Butterfly, and Sound Social Studies – Units include: Governing Ourselves, Our World Around Us, America: Our Heritage, Our Landmarks, Our People, Money! Money! Money! and Contributing to Our Country Science and Social Studies alternate each month.
SPELLING There are NO Friday spelling tests. We want our students to become strategic spellers. Please refer to handout
VIPs Dr. Sommers– PrincipalMrs. Hansen – Music Mrs. Henderson– Asst. PrincipalMr. Darr - Art Mrs. Seger – PEMrs. Knight – PE Miss DeBord– Counselor Mrs. Winkler- Counselor Miss Glassman – Computer Mrs. Polzin-Nurse Mrs. Stafford– Librarian Mrs. Shipley– REACH
GREEN TRAILS NORMS We will respect ourselves and value the differences of others. We will respect our own property, the property of others, and the school. We will work to resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner. We will do the right thing even if no one is watching.
CONTACT INFORMATION Classroom phone number: Office phone number: this is the best way to get a hold of me!!!
PARENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering in our classroom (Sign up sheet on table by door). I will send an or call those who are interested in upcoming opportunities. Types of opportunities: Reading aloud to students, reading with students, science experiments, tearing pages out of our math worksheet books (this would be most appreciated )
REMINDERS Please take the Math textbook and your child’s letter with you when you leave. Pleas sign up for Room Parent Volunteers.
THAT’S ALL FOLKS!! Does anyone have any general questions about our classroom or the curriculum? Anything else??? Thank you for coming!!