The Disciples
What Is This Jesus All About? l A Simple Message Mark 1:14-15 n “The time is here!” n The Kingdom of God is finally here! “WITH ME!” n Unleashed by power, miracles, revelation from God l He is a Person with Impact 1:16-17 n “Follow ME” –A bold claim of authority! –Not “just another High School class…” –It is a revolutionary relationship with Christ. n They dropped everything to follow Christ! –What possibly motivated these people to do that!?
Who would follow Christ like this? 1. It was not their first contact with Christ. –Mark omits the “year of obscurity” (1:14) –John the Baptist is now dead (Jn.1:35-40) l Andrew was JB’s Disciple –Knew all about the Bible’s prophetic proofs… –Already spent time talking with Christ… l Peter was Andrew’s brother (Jn.1:41-42). –Saw impact of Christ on people’s lives… W A R N I N G ! Knowing about Christ may change your life forever!
Who would follow Christ like this? 1. It was not their first contact with Christ. 2. Yet they reached a point of decision. –See the background in Lk.5:1-11 –They had some evidence that Jesus was the Messiah. They didn’t know everything about Christ, but they knew enough about Him to make a decision to follow Him at a deeper level.
Who would follow Christ like this? 1. It was not their first contact with Christ. 2. Yet they reached a point of decision. 3. God used ordinary people. –Not the “Great Kingdom Builders!” –This is always God’s strategy (1 Cor. 1:26) –He ridicules the World System’s values (" 1:27-29) He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts; for that which is highly esteemed among men is detestable in the sight of God.” Luke 16:15 (NASB)
Who would follow Christ like this? 1. It was not their first contact with Christ. 2. Yet they reached a point of decision. 3. God used ordinary people. 4. God’s criteria: Who is Available today? –He did not ask them to change first. –They changed as they got to know Him. –They changed as He taught and influenced them. –It starts with a simple point of decision: “Let the thirsty ones come—anyone who wants to. Let them come and drink the water of life without charge.” Revelation 22:17
Who would follow Christ like this? 1. It was not their first contact with Christ. 2. Yet they reached a point of decision. 3. God used ordinary people. 4. God’s criteria: Who is Available today? 5. They found PURPOSE. And Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” Mark 1:17 –What are you fishing for? –He wants to replace our Small Time Worlds…