New Testament Doctrine Class
Church (ekklesia) Generic definition – a group of people called out together New Testament definition – the group of people called out to follow Christ
I.Two New Testament Applications Universal -Matthew 16:18 -Ephesians 1: Hebrews 12:22-23 All the people called out to follow Christ of all time in all places The Church New Testament Doctrine - The Church Universal and Local
Local -I Corinthians 1:2 -Philippians 1:1 -Galatians 1:1-2 -Acts 9:31 All the people called out to follow Christ in a certain community at a given time The Church New Testament Doctrine - The Church Universal and Local
II. Distinctions between the two Universal Local Fellowship Centered on God Centered on other Christians
II. Distinctions between the two Universal Local Entry When God accepts one When the people of God accepts one (Acts 9:26)
II. Distinctions between the two Universal Local Duration For eternity or until one becomes unfaithful (Rev. 3:21) Until physical separation, withdrawal, or death occurs (Acts 8:2; II Thess. 3:6)
II. Distinctions between the two Universal Local Establishment From the beginning of the preaching of the gospel (Acts 2:47) When Christians join in fellowship (Acts 11:21-23)
II. Distinctions between the two Universal Local Organization Is heavenly based (Eph. 1:22) Is earthly based (Acts 20:17, 28)
II. Distinctions between the two Universal Local Unity and Divisibility For eternity or until one becomes unfaithful (Rev. 3:21) Until physical separation, withdrawal, or death occurs (Acts 8:2; II Thess. 3:6)
II. Distinctions between the two Universal Local Membership Based on God’s judgment Based on man’s judgment (III John 10)