Us: Name, Year in School, Degree Seeking, Future Goals You: Raise your hand if you have a literacy program on your campus. Raise your hand if you are an administrator. Raise your hand if you are a student. Introductions
Why is there a need for financial literacy education in the Reno-Tahoe community? Janis Marquet
Goals –Objectives Outcomes –Length/Timeline Sierra Marshall USA Funds Grant
Students were hired based on the following criteria Went through an interview process Began creating the program Named the program Training David Cruz Who are the FLAMES? Support comes from a part –time, LOB position written for a full time graduate student. Jeannette is pursuing a doctorate in Education at the University of Nevada and coordinates our efforts. Jeannette Smith
Workshops Events One on One Mentoring Community Outreach Data Gathering Research Walk Ins Kiosks/FAFSA Assessment Etzal Corona What do the FLAMES do?
The Future Move to different space to accommodate increase in student employees and maximize visibility and outreach Recruit and hire students Implement a Summer Training Implement a Friday, one credit leadership course Increase student contact by 25% Become ingrained in Orientation Allison Harting Where are the FLAMES going?
Scholarship Worksheet Credit Pie Chart Fun Activities!
Videos: Struggling to Go to School on a Budget Marketing
Questions? Thank you for your time! If you would like to learn more about the flames, please feel free to visit our website: