Billions of lives throughout history have been impacted by these two words; the course of their lives being altered forever. Who he was, what he became, and why he came moved people’s hearts, minds, souls, and strength over the centuries.
John 1:1-2, 14, 16; JEREMIAH 29:11; EPHESIANS 2:1-5; MATTHEW 22:37-38; ROMANS 12:1-8
1 1 Hope deferred makes the heart sick. PROVERBS 13:12 LOSS OF PERSPECTIVE caused by either divine delays or divine providence. Overrating your problems can hinder your relationship with God. PSALM 73:1-5, 13-17; MALACHI 3:13-18; LUKE 24:13-21, TRUST ME
2 2 There’s a general misunderstanding of the nature of the Kingdom of Christ. Jesus’ purpose in enrolling us is for us to help others find God. LUKE 9:57-62 COST AND SACRIFICE that come with true Christianity Self-renunciation as the passport to eternal lif e. JOHN 18:36; ACTS 1:6 WORK WITH ME
3 3 “What do you want?” This question separates disciples from crowds. UNCHECKED, UNCHALLENGED MOTIVES in following Christ To follow Christ for our own purposes would be asking Christ to follow us- to align with us to support and advance our agendas, not his. MATTHEW 19:27-30; MARK 3:7-8; JOHN 1:35-38
THE FOUR P’S THAT HINDER PEOPLE to be free to follow Christ POWERPLEASURE POPULARITY PENNY “The everyone syndrome.” PHILIPPIANS 2:19-22 “The Demas spirit.” COLOSSIANS 4:14; 2TIMOTHY 4:9-10
What does Jesus see in us when he calls us to follow him?