Science App Review By Kristian G
App Name App Name ChemCrafter
Questions 1.Is it easy to use? 2.Does it teach you about the Periodic Table? 3.Does it teach you about Chemical Bonding? 4.Does it teach you how to write out chemical formulae? 5.Could it be used to teach Chemistry? 6.Is it fun to use?
Question 1 I wouldn’t say it’s easy to use but I wouldn’t say it’s hard to use. When I first started it I wasn’t really sure how it worked. There were some instructions but they weren’t very good in my opinion. After a couple minutes I figured out how it worked. After that it was pretty easy to use except for when I ran out of energy, when that happened I didn’t know what to do and there weren’t any instructions, but after a minute or 2 I figured it out. Overall I would give It a 2.5/5 in this category.
Question 2 It kind of teaches you about the Periodic Table because it gives you the names of the elements that you are using but it doesn’t really tell you about the groups on the table like Halogens, noble Gases, etc. and it doesn’t tell you about the valence of the elements you are using. It would be nicer if the App had more details about the elements you are using. Overall I would give it a 1/5 in this category.
Question 3 The whole app is about chemical bonding but It isn’t very good at teaching you how it works. All you do is mix an element with a liquid and it starts steaming and stuff, It doesn’t really show you how it works. It doesn’t tell you how many electrons are gained or lost. Overall I would give this a 1/5
Question 4 I would say this one was a better than Question 2 but not by very much. After every experiment you do, it tells you the word formula but it doesn’t tell you the chemical formula. It also doesn’t tell you how the formulae work and It doesn’t tell you the rules when writing the formulae. But I think it did better in this then Question 2 Overall I would give it a 1.5/5
Question 5 I wouldn’t say It’s good for learning because it didn’t really do well for my questions about teaching chemistry. would also say it is more of a game than a teaching utensil because it’s more about completing the levels than learning about how the bonds work. Overall I would give it a 1.5/5 in this category.
Question 6 It’s kind of fun to use the app because you get to try and complete the levels by mixing the chemicals and sometimes you don’t have enough energy to make the chemical so you have to go back and get energy to complete it but It’s a bit confusing at times and getting enough energy to complete some levels can be tedious and a bit boring. Overall I would give it a 3.5/5 for this category
END As a Teaching App I would give this 1.5/5 As an App for fun I would give this a 3.5/5