$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Too Much Drama How Very Poetic They Have Those in Books Nonfiction Means Real?!?!? Isn’t that Pleasantly Ironic
When a character says something to the audience that is not meant to be heard by other actors Too Much Drama: $100: A
What is an aside? Too Much Drama: $100: Q
A conversation between two characters Too Much Drama: $200: A
What is a dialogue? Too Much Drama: $200: Q
The introduction to a play that gives background information and oftentimes reveals the theme Too Much Drama: $300: A
What is the prologue? Too Much Drama: $300: Q
When a character reveals his or her private thoughts to the audience Too Much Drama: $400: A
What is a soliloquy? Too Much Drama: $400: Q
When a character dominates the conversation; oftentimes a comedic solo Too Much Drama: $500: A
What is a monologue? Too Much Drama: $500: Q
A phrase, verse, or group of verses repeated at intervals throughout a song or poem, especially at the end of each stanza (Hint: think songs…) How Very Poetic: $100: A
What is a refrain? How Very Poetic: $100: Q
the repetition of vowel sounds Example: free as a breeze How Very Poetic : $200: A
What is assonance? How Very Poetic : $200: Q
a common meter in poetry consisting of an unrhymed line with five feet or accents, each foot containing an unaccented syllable and an accented syllable How Very Poetic : $300: A
What is iambic pentameter? How Very Poetic : $300: Q
The type of poetry that is usually short and focuses on the emotions or thoughts of the speaker How Very Poetic : $400: A
What is lyric? How Very Poetic : $400: Q
Daily Double!!! A long narrative poem celebrating the deeds of a hero How Very Poetic : $500: A
What is an epic? How Very Poetic : $500: Q
The beginning of the book that leads up to the main part or sets up what will be discussed or talked about They Have Those in Books : $100: A
What is the introduction? They Have Those in Books : $100: Q
a list of subject specific terms with accompanying definitions; oftentimes found in the back of the book They Have Those in Books : $200: A
What is a glossary? They Have Those in Books : $200: Q
An alphabetical listing of names, places, and topics along with the numbers of the pages on which they are mentioned or discussed They Have Those in Books : $300: A
What is an index? They Have Those in Books : $300: Q
at the beginning of a book, where the author gives the book’s purpose; it may also thank or acknowledge others who helped with the book They Have Those in Books : $400: A
What is a preface? They Have Those in Books : $400: Q
supplementary material at the end of a book, article, document, or other text that gives more information; usually explanatory, statistical, or bibliographic nature They Have Those in Books : $500: A
What is an appendix? They Have Those in Books : $500: Q
A written account of a person’s life, written by someone other than the person in the book Nonfiction Means Real?!?!? : $100: A
What is a biography? Nonfiction Means Real?!?!? : $100: Q
These are delivered daily around the world and provide us with the latest news stories Nonfiction Means Real?!?!? : $200: A
What are newspapers? Nonfiction Means Real?!?!? : $200: Q
This type of nonfiction is delivered at many types of important events such as graduation or the inauguration of the president Nonfiction Means Real?!?!? : $300: A
What are speeches? Nonfiction Means Real?!?!? : $300: Q
An account of a person’s life written by that person Nonfiction Means Real?!?!? : $400: A
What is an autobiography Nonfiction Means Real?!?!? : $400: Q
A piece of nonfiction literature detailing a specific period in someone's life Nonfiction Means Real?!?!? : $500: A
What is a memoir? Nonfiction Means Real?!?!? : $500: Q
A contradiction between what is expected and what actually occurs Isn’t that Pleasantly Ironic: $100: A
What is situational irony? Isn’t that Pleasantly Ironic : $100: Q
When the audience knows something about that the character does not know Isn’t that Pleasantly Ironic : $200: A
What is dramatic irony? Isn’t that Pleasantly Ironic : $200: Q
The following is an example of what kind of irony: Water, water, every where, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, every where, Nor any drop to drink Isn’t that Pleasantly Ironic : $300: A
What is situational irony? Isn’t that Pleasantly Ironic : $300: Q
The following is an example of what kind of irony: as clear as mud Isn’t that Pleasantly Ironic: $400: A
What is verbal irony? Isn’t that Pleasantly Ironic : $400: Q
contradiction of expectation between what is said and what is meant Isn’t that Pleasantly Ironic : $500: A
What is verbal irony? Isn’t that Pleasantly Ironic : $500: Q