By: Amanda Badertscher Steven Rahn
The class will be split up into two teams. Only one person from each team can answer. Each team will make a line up telling what order they will go in. The first team to buzz in gets to answer the question. If that team gets it wrong the other team has a chance to steal the answer.
BasketballSoftballFootball $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
Answer: The last pass to a teammate that leads directly to a field goal Question: What is an assist?
Answer: The act of preventing the offense from scoring. Question: What is defense?
Answer: An unguarded shot taken from the foul line by a player whose opponent committed a foul. Question: What is a free throw?
Answer: A player’s attempt to position his body between the opponent and the basket to get rebounds. Question: What is boxing out?
Answer: When a player jumps and strongly throws the ball into the basket. Question: What is a dunk?
Answer: When a batter takes four balls in a single at bat. Question: What is a walk?
Answer: When a batter is struck by a ball Question: What is hit by a pitch?
Answer: nine players Question: What is the number of people playing defense?
Answer: Calculated as base hits divided by at bats. Question: What is a batting average?
Answer: Credited to a player who throws out an opposing runner. Question: What is an assist?
Answer: A forward pass to a teammate who catches it in the air. Question: What is a completed pass?
Answer: The first chance out of four that a team on offense has to advance ten yards. Question: What is a first down?
Answer: A violation of football’s rules by a player. Question: What is a foul?
Answer: The area behind the line of scrimmage. Question: What is the backfield?
Answer: A play where the defensive team sends players rushing towards the line of scrimmage as soon as the ball is snapped to try to sack the quarterback. Question: What is a blitz?