Plate Tectonics
Plate Tectonics is a theory that describes the formation, movements, and interactions of Earth’s plates.
Alfred Wegener, a German meteorologist, proposed a hypothesis called Continental Drift in 1912.
Continental Drift supposed that the continents have moved, or drifted, from one location to another over long periods of time.
moved, or driftedmoved, or drifted
Wegener based his idea on the following observations: Wegener based his idea on the following observations:
The continents had similar shapes.
The same fossils were found in South America and Africa.
Similar rock formations were found in South America and Africa.
Climate Change: Areas once covered in glaciers are now in warmer climate zones.
Wegener’s idea could not explain how the continents moved.
The Theory of Plate Tectonics suggests that the continents are part of the lithospheric plates. Evidence for this:
Volcano, Earthquake, and Mountain Belts are located along plate boundaries.plate boundaries
The ocean floor gets older away from a mid-ocean ridge. away
The rock record shows that the magnetic field of the Earth has reversed many times.magnetic field
Types of Plate Boundaries
Divergent Boundary Rift Valleys and Mid- Ocean Ridges
Convergent Boundary Deep Sea Trenches, Subduction Zones, and Mountain Ranges
Convergent (2 Types)
Convergent Subduction More Dense (Oceanic Crust) Less Dense (Continental or Oceanic Crust)
Convergent Collision Equal Density Continental Crust
Transform (Strike-Slip) Boundary San Andreas Fault Division between North American and Pacific Plates
North American Plate Pacific Plate North American Plate
Types of Plate Boundaries
Causes of Plate Movement
3 Hypotheses Mantle Convection Ridge Push Slab Pull
Mantle ConvectionMantle Convection: The mantle moves the plates along as it convects (heats from below). Mantle Convection Animation #2 Mantle Convection Animation #2 Mantle ConvectionMantle Convection Animation #2
Ridge PushRidge Push: The accumulating magma at a mid-ocean ridge “pushes” material away. Ridge Push
Slab PullSlab Pull: When a plate subducts, it pulls the rest of the plate with it. Slab Pull